I spent a the next weeks talking to Spencer and Kaley. I was more cheerful now and Kaley had noticed. My mom has been gone in Louisiana with Ted. Which has just left me. I stopped meeting with Issac. I hadn't needed to fight the demons as hard, the more I think of Spencer the more they disappear. My feeling for him were starting to grow and I was pretty sure they were unrequited. But I kept hearing the word try. Whats the worst that happens? Well it would be awkward and we couldn't be friends. Or he felt the same and it would be better.

Try. I heard again.

I drank my coffee Friday morning and went about my school day. I spent lunch in the library and I was engrossed in a book when Bo approached me. "I was gonna have a few of us meet at the beach after school before the weather changes. I was wondering if you wanted to join."

I pondered and thought about it. "Who's all going?" I asked.

"Me, Blake, Will, Amber and a few others." He said.

"Alright sounds fun." I was friends with most of them. I wasn't looking forward to Blake being there but I couldn't do anything about it.

A few classes went by and I was in Study Hall with Mr. Deandre. I was working on my problems but was stuck and getting frustrated. Mr. Deandre must have heard me mutter a few things and came over. "Whats got you frustrated?"
"Algebra 2" I replied. Setting down my pencil.
"Well I may not be good at Algebra anymore but I know someone in Chiefs class who is. They aren't working on anything to do so let me go grab him for ya." He said and walked off.

Mr. Deandre is what I imagine a cowboy would be like, his walk and mannerisms, even his voice. He had a ranch too, that he often talked about so I guess he really was a cowboy. I was starring at my paper angrily, I was usually good at math but I was stumped and hated the feeling.

I hear the door open and a chair slide up next time mine. "So what are you stuck on" a familiar voice says.

I look up and see Spencers smiling face. I couldn't help but feel better. "Algebra 2."

"Let's see" we spent the whole class together going over my homework. He was tutoring me. He was apparently good at math too. I wasn't surprised.

The bell rang and I thanked him for his help. He turned to head toward his next class. Try I heard again.

Whats the worst that could happen. I thought to myself.

"Hey Spencer" I said. He turned around. "Whats up?"
"A few of us were going to the beach after school and I was wanting to know if you wanted to join us."
I asked nervously.

He smiled "yeah sounds fun" then waved and headed to his class.

I let out a sigh of relief. Well, thats a step in the right direction.

The beach with Spencer. Maybe us hanging outside of school will tell me if he feels the same. It was childish thinking crushing on him like this. I have never felt that way before, about anyone. I felt different with him, around him. There was something.

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