The clones are what?

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A moment ago, he was fighting the Separatists alongside Rex and his fellow troopers. He was quite sure Rex was just behind him, barking orders. He remembered master Koon counting down before his battalion tested the new weapon. Then the pressure wave hit him. And then...

"General?" he heard a familiar yet unknown voice from behind.

"Yes?" he turned around and saw... "Rex?"

This was war. He was prepared for anything. If he saw Obi-Wan jump from a windou shouting: "Banana bread is sacred!", he wouldn't be even surprised. If he saw Ahsoka floating troopers across the cruiser and throwing them into the walls, well, that happened on daily basics. He wouldn't be surprised if the chancellor had two red lightsabers and shot lightnings while telling a sith legend. If he saw general Grievous in pyjamas dancing in the mess hall at 3 a.m., he would be surprised but it would have some logical explanation somewhere deep in the force. This... had none.

"Yes, sir?" asked Rex. But was it really Rex? Yes, he was wearing Rex's armor, but it didn't seem fitting properly. Also, Rex's voice was deeper. What just happened?

"Rex, is that- is that you?"

"General what do you- oh kriff," Rex (or not?) realized his unnaturaly high voice and too big armor and removed his helmet. 

It was Rex. He had the same blonde hair, the same little scars on his face he collected during battles but he looked like a cadet. Like he was about 11 years old. 

"What happened?" Anakin looked at his troops and absolutely horrified found out his entire legion were now kids. 

"I- I don't know, sir."

"Alright, Rex, or whoever you are, gather the troops. It seems like the weapon the 104th battalion was testing worked, there are no droids in sight. I will comm master Koon."

"Yes, sir!" Rex saluted like always. And then he tripped on his now too big shoes. He would fall to the ground but Anakin caught him with the force.

"Be careful, Rex," he released him.

"Sir, yes, sir." Rex saluted again and carefully, not to trip again, started walking among the troops and giving orders.

"Master Koon?" Anakin said into his commlink.

"Master!" he heard Ahsoka instead of Master Koon. He had to give her his commlink at some point. "Something happened and Master Plo doesn't know what to do!"

"Wait, you too?"

"Your troops are kids too?"

"Yeah... yeah... We will get over this, Snips. Can you get master Koon? I will contact Obi-Wan."


If anyone ever said Plo Koon loved his troops like his kids, he wouldn't disagree. He cared for them and offered them comfort and his experiences they didn't have the chance to get in their short lifes. But this was a new situation.

He didn't know what happened. He only knew that a little cadet in Sinker's armor came to him crying that they are all little. And that, unfortunately, proved to be true.

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