The Seppies cause troubles

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"You asked for me, master?" count Dooku, or Darth Tyranus how he liked to call himself, spoke to Darth Sidious, his master.

"Yes," the hooded figure of the dark lord straightened on the holo-transmitter. "I suppose you know about the problems with the clones."

"Indeed, master. Is it your doing?"

"No. I didn't plan this. However, I intend to use this situation to my intentions."

"What do you wish me to do, master?"

"I need you and your assassins to bring war to a few peaceful places."

"How many battledroids should I send?"

"No battledroids. Just your assassins. Attack small places, villages, temples in the middle of nowhere. I'm not after clones. It's the Jedi I am after."

"I understand, master."

"Good. Good. I will be expecting some results soon," with that, chancellor Palpatine ended the call and started laughing at his twisted imaginations. All the dead Jedi this will bring him.

"Ahsoka, Rex, we have a problem," Anakin started the briefing.

"What is it, master?" Ahsoka asked. She was curious since they were told they won't be attending any missions in some time.

"The Seppies decided to open war on a few new fronts."

"Are we going there, sir?" Rex asked. It was difficult to hide his worry. He knew fighting was what they were designed for but he couldn't help himself from thinking about all the brothers that would fall in the fight.

"No, no. Obi-Wan is going."

"So the 212th is going?" Rex couldn't help but think about Cody, his brother and best friend. And the other troopers of course. 

"No, it's just Obi-Wan. And we will have to babysit his troops."

"Yes! Cody is so cute, even cuter than the others!" Ahsoka exclaimed. 

"Great. You can take photos of him instead," Rex growled.

"C'mon, Rex. You need to admit that you looked cute."

"I am not cute!"

"Calm down, guys," Anakin stepped in. "But I have to agree with Ahsoka, the photo with a chocolate cookie is gorgeous."

"Sir!" Rex groaned.

"C'mon, Rex, there is no point in lying. You are cute. Anyway, we are gonna have to fit the 212th here. Do you think you two can prepare the ship for their arrival?"

"Sir, yes, sir!" Rex snapped into attention and saluted him.

"Alright. The council wants the Negotiator back on Coruscant so we will have to fit them all here. I am aware we don't have enough beds nor space but the council doesn't care. So I need you and the troops to move all beds closer together so we can fit some mattresses into the rooms. I will also need the floor in the gym clear because that's where we are gonna put other mattresses," Anakin explained.

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