It is a problem

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The Separatist forces led by Asajj Ventress were brutally attacking the neutral planet Maridun that was chosen for the very reason of being neutral and almost defenseless.

While the battledroids were attacking, shooting through a wooden wall built as a defence, Asajj was focused on the three Jedi she knew were around. The younger Mirilian, Asajj assumed she was a padawan, stepped from behind the wall exactly once. Ventress didn't have to be a genius to figure out she was the last defence, the backup plan if the two other Jedi failed. The other Mirilian, master Luminara Unduli, was fighting the battledroids and ocassionally crossing paths with Ventress in a way that could only be described as Jedi. A perfect Jedi, like from a book. At least the other Jedi master was more fun.

"I was waiting for you," she said as she heard him approaching, igniting her red lightsabers. "It's been a while, Kenobi."

"Indeed. It's a shame we had to delay something so pleasant as our encounter," a smooth voice echoed from behind her and Ventress smirked. The fun was about to begin.

Ventress turned around, her speed increased by the force and one ofher red lightsabers clashed with the familiar blue one. The force of the strike forced the both of them to back a little before Ventress launched again.

"It's really been a while. Seems like you almost learned to hold a saber," Obi-Wan comented with a smug expression as he dodged her next attack.

"You thing you are funny, Kenobi?!" Ventress growled with the next sway of her blade. "You won't be so confident when you are dead."

"Then it's a good thing I'm not planning on dying anytime soon."

Ventress didn't have an answer to that. So she put double strength into her next strike. To bad Obi-Wan dodged it again.

"General Skywalker," little Cody approached Anakin in the mess hall.

"Yes, Cody?"

"I filled the supply requests you mentioned earlier. You can read through it but I made sure there is nothing more than what's necessary for you and the troops. All it needs is your signature."

"Wait... you actually did the paperwork," Anakin was trying to process the information that the eight years old in front of him actually did said paperwork when him and Ahsoka didn't do as much as look at any work for at least two days.

"It is my job as a commander of the Grand Army of the Republic, sir," Cody explained.

"Cody, you are like... eight years old at most. Enjoy yourself. Take advantage of being little and considered cute by Ahsoka and the rest!"

"No more photos, sir, please," Cody begged. It was true that his photos were all over both the Jedi and clone chats and he hated it. It really wasn't his fault he was defective nor it was his fault that thanks to some natborn osik, he was consideret adorable.

"They are gonna get tired of it sooner or later. Anyway, about the supply request, when you insist on doing the paperwork so much, add five hundred packages of marshmallows, some hot cocoa mix and two hundred cans with soda," Anakin instructed. "And also the newest lego set of the Coruscant Jedi temple."

"I don't think the senate will be pleased with that, sir."

"It's an emergency," Anakin shrugged. "And me and the chancellor are buddies so, yeah, not a big deal."

"Yes, sir," Cody saluted before marching away. Anakin did enjoy having Obi-Wan's clone commander on board, after all. As long as he did the paperwork, Anakin could even settle on liking children for a few days.

Commander Fox scrolled through the chat he shared with the other commanders and few other troopers, mostly captains. It was full of Cody's photos because for some reason, he looked even younger than the others. And for that commander Tano and the 501st decided to torture him.

Then he got a message. He was called into the chancellor's office. He didn't know if it was because something actually happened or just for the chancellor's entertainment but he learned not to question orders. So he put the too big armor on and went.

The guards let him in without questions. Fox walked until he was just the right distance from the chancellor's desk and then stood in attention.

"Commander..." the chancellor said, his voice clear of the pretended warmth he used when talking to senators. "I was starting to think you will let me get bored here."

"I'm sorry, sir," Fox answered. What was he supposed to say anyway?

"I believe you are," the chancellor's face twisted into an evil grin as he circled the table. Only inches were parting him from Fox now. Everything was still for a moment. Then Fox felt the force of the awaited hit.

Fox had already discovered he hated being small. His armor didn't fit. Natborns respected him even less then usual. His legs got tired even if it was one of the less busy days. But so far, he discovered, this was the worst about it. The way everything felt more intense. How every hit would send him to the ground and how tears would appear in his eyes at every stronger him no matter how hard he tried to suppress them. He hated his teenage body.

"What? Is the pain too much, my little commander?" the chancellor asked with fake sweetness in his voice. Fox knew better than to answer. The chancellor hit him again. "You useless, little CC. My favorite little toy..."

Fox didn't measure the time but it felt like enternity. He missed his adult body that was already used to all the punching and kicking. But what could he do other than stand it?

"That was fun," the chancellor smiled wildely, making Fox almost cry out of relief. Finally, the chancellor had fulfilled all his sadistic needs and Fox could go and bandage some of the sore spots and... "Where do you think you are going, commander?" the chancellor stopped him. "We are not done here yet."

Fox froze in his tracks as he took a deep breath. He could take it. He could take a while more of this. He was one of the best trained soldiers in the gallaxy. He could take a little bit of pain.

"Take your armor off," the chancellor commanded. Little did anyone know that the chancellor had a youngling fettish. And a different than Anakin.

What have I done? Poor Fox'ika, he is overhated. But I have something prepared for the story and I needed this to happen. Before anyone asks why isn't the work marked as "mature", I was careful to form it in a way that anyone who isn't mature enough won't get the thing. I hoped you enjoyed this chapter that at least has some plot (a shitty plot but still). I will hopefully update soon.

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