Who has the most adorable commander?

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Mace Windu's shuttle landed in the hangar of Obi-Wan's cruiser. He refused to change  his behavior towards clones and he told them to pilot the shuttle, like he always did. A 12 years olds piloting a cruiser sounded like a bad idea, sure, but Mace didn's really care.

"Ponds, stay on the cruiser," he ordered his commander who saluted him with a quick 'yessir'.

"Master Windu," Obi-Wan greeted Mace when he stepped out of his shuttle. "Welcome aboard."

"Master Kenobi, it's nice to see you. How is it going with the clones? Are their able to maintain their duty?"

"My troops are very capable. As you can see, the whole cruiser is in move. Would you like to see the medbay? Jay, my medic, is running the medbay in normal order even under these circumstances." 

"It's their duty," Mace shrugged.

"I think that it takes a lot of determination and skill to run a medbay as a 11 years old, master," Obi-Wan said coldly. He hated the way some Jedi saw the clones. He didn't really care hate leads to the darkside, he just hated it.

"Yeah, it probably does," Mace said. "But now, we should get to the point of my visit."

"Sure. Please, follow me to my office," Obi-Wan led the fellow Jedi master through the corridors of the cruiser. He knew Cody was following him, keeping a respectful distance. His armor was succesfully hiding how small he actually was.

Obi-Wan opened the door to his office. "Please, sit," he offered master Windu a chair which he accepted. It was usually Cody's chair when they were doing paperwork together or planning strategies but right now, Cody was left to stand in the corner of the room.

"So now, let's get to work."

"Sure. I have all the documents prepared," Obi-Wan turned on his data-pad and connected it to the holo-projector on the table. The most boring three hours of Cody's life had just begun.

The 104th battalion was having fun. Plo Koon, being a good dad to his troops, bought some random stuff on a nearby planet and organised a fun day for his clones. The council would probably disagree with using the Republic's budget to buy cupcakes and party caps but that didn't really matter.

"General, look!" Boost shouted at master Plo and pointed at Wolffe. They used face paint to paint Wolffe as a wolf.

"Aww, that's cute. Do you mind if I take a picture, Wolffe?"

"No, dad- I mean, sir," Wolffe blushed so hard it could be seen even under the layers of face paint.

"Oh, come here, my little Wolffe," Plo ignored the chuckles of the other troopers pulled Wolffe into a hug. He would cry with happiness if he could.

"Group hug!" someone shouted and all the clones joined the hug and created a huge cuddle pile.

"We have the best general," someone said.

"And I have the cutest troopers," master Plo said and he meant it.

The hug lasted few whole minutes before the little troopers started walking away before there was only Wolffe left in Plo's arms.

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