They all deserve a pay rise

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"Cody, can I have a word with you?" Obi-Wan found Cody in the mess hall.

"Sure, sir," the little clone saluted him. It was adorable, at least according to Obi-Wan. Cody looked younger than the other clones so he was even cuter. And than was the reason why
Obi-Wan wanted to talk to him. He needed to find out why was Cody younger than the others.

"Cody, how old are you?"

"12, sir, why?"

"You look younger than 12 and younger than the other troopers. Do you know why?" Obi-Wan kneeled down so he was the same height.

"No, sir," Cody answered. "I don't even know why I de-aged."

"The Kaminoans think it's because of the radiation from the bomb Anakin and master Koon were testing."

"How could that affect our age?"

"Your aging is accelerated. You age twice as fast as normal human, you know that, right?"
Obi-Wan paused for a moment. The clone nodded and Obi-Wan continued. "They think that the radiation somehow undid your modification so you are your actual age."

"Makes sense, I guess," said Cody but he didn't look he truly understood.

"Cody, did you understand what I just said?"

"I- I think I did, sir. So our age basically divided by two?"

"Exactly, smart boy," Obi-Wan praised him. Cody blushed a little but he looked content with himself. "Cody, I need to ask you, do you have any idea why you could be younger than the other clones?"

Cody put on a thoughtful expression. "I think I know, sir," he said. His voice sounded unsure but other than than, he seemed certain.

"What do you think it is?"

"When I was little, about 2 standart years, something went wrong with my aging and I stopped aging. They did something to me to start age again."

"That's probably right, thank you for telling me."

"Do you need something else, sir?"

"Actually, Cody, there is something else we need to talk about," Obi-Wan's expression became more serious. "Master Windu is coming here this evening. You know him, right? He needs everything to be professional and perfect. He will expect me to have a commander as sidekick for the whole time."

"I don't have any problem with that, sir," Cody replied.

"I know, Cody. But he will expect the commander to be older and I'm afraid he would insist I replace you with someone older," Obi-Wan told him as gently as he could.

"You- are you gonna replace me, sir?" Cody looked at him with fear in his big brown eyes.

"Calm down, Cody, I'm not going to replace you, okay? But I think it would be for the best if you swapped places with someone else, for this one time."

"But I'm the commander."

"I know, dear. I'm not saying you are not. I'm just saying that it might be wise to swap you with someone, Waxer for example, for this one time."

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