Riyo's guide to get rid of a chancellor

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Hello there! I'm finally back with another chapter. Sorry for the delay but I have a lot of work right now and as my attention is divided between various works, which is an arrangment that's usually fitting for me, I can't update all the works regularly in the moment. Please forgive me. I will get better in the summer, I promise.

Riyo was furious and that was an understatement. Yes, she knew the clones weren't treated right but force, she didn't know it was that bad.

She had her doctor do a checkup on Fox. The clone was obedient, concerningly so. He was shaking for the whole time he was being looked at and Riyo almost stopped the examination when she saw the fear in his eyes. And as if that wasn't enough, the tests proved Fox's earlier statements. He was underweight and malnourished. Riyo could work with that. His many injuries, both from doing his not-so-safe job and abuse, were mostly untreated as, apparently, the Coruscant Guard medics were always short on supplies. That was worse but there was at least something Riyo could do about that. The fact that Fox was being used would be the worst had there not been proof that it happened while he was in a body of a child.

"Is there anything more?" Riyo made herself ask when the doctor was finished with his reports.

"He is also sleep deprived but I think you've figured that out."

"Alright, thank you, doctor Irana. Thank you for examining Fox."

"It's no problem, senator. I'm always glad to help. If I may advice you, make sure he eats at least three meals a day, sleeps at least eight hours a night, althought I would recommend sleeping an hour or two longer at least for the next few days. Also, he should be taking off the armor more. It's too heavy for him and he needs to breath something that isn't filtered through helmet too."

"I will do what I can," Riyo promised. "Thank you, doctor."

"It was my pleasure, senator," the doctor bowed his head slightly before he got going, leaving Riyo alone with the trooper.

"You heard him, Fox. Let's get you something to eat. You didn't even touch the snacks earlier."

"I'm fine, senator."

"Fox," Riyo tried to fix Fox a glare but it probably looked more desperate than anything. "Just let me care for you. I can't fix eerything, at least not now, but I can feed you. What's your favorite food?"

Fox shrugged.

"Just tell me, Fox. Don't be shy."

"I-" Fox looked to the ground. "I don't have a favorite food. I've never eaten anything besides ration bars," he admitted.

"Never?" Riyo asked in disbelief.

Fox shook his head.

That was yet another terrible surprise. Riyo knew the clones were getting only military rations and no payment but she sort of expected the clones to at least have tried normal food a few times. The Jedi generals often took their clones to bars or rewarded them with a treat from time to time. Then again, the Coruscant Guard had no Jedi general. "Well, we need to fix that. I'm not much of a cook but I can fix you something quick."

"That won't be necessary, senator."

"Nonsense. I will be more than happy to introduce you to pantoran cuisine. I guess I could do potato pancakes," Riyo mused. "What do you think?"

"I- whatever you think is for the best, senator."

"Let's head to the kitchen, then. I'm sorry for the mess, I didn't really expect our meeting to lead to the kitchen," she looked at Fox with her best reassuring smile. Only thanks to that, she noticed Fox shiver slightly. "I'm sorry, did I say something."

"Nothing, senator. I'm sorry."

"You know, if you told me what trigered you, I could avoid it in the future."

"It was senator Clovis," Fox said suddenly. "I was supposed to bring him some  but he- he was drunk I think. Asked me to remove my helmet. Then he said I looked- that I looked pretty for the clone and that- that he had to change his plans that he didn't expect our meeting to lead into the bedroom."

"You know I would never... use... you like that, right?"

"I- I know but- at the same time I don't, I'm sorry, senator."

"It's fine, I get it. And you don't have to call me senator all the time. Riyo is fine. I mean, if you are comfortable with it."

"I think I am," Fox hesitated. "Riyo."

Riyo couldn't help but smile wildly. Maybe not everything was that bad. She could help the poor clone and his brothers and who knows, maybe they could be friends once Fox returned back into his adult body. But she had to get rid of half of the senate and the chancellor. Nothing difficult at all.

Riyo knew she needed help. You don't just overthrow the chancellor yourself. And as much as she trusted her friends, they were all loyal to Palpatine and probably wouldn't believe her. Hells, if she hadn't seen proof, she wouldn't believe this whole thing either. So what was there really left except for reaching to the Jedi council?

Surprisingly enough, she was met with the whole high council present either in person or as holograms. They must've picked up on how serious it is.

"Masters," Riyo bowed her head respectfully as she stepped inside the council chamblers.

"Generals, sirs," Fox next to her snapped into a parade rest. He didn't want to come but in the end, he let himself be convinced. Poor Fox was doing anything asked from him as long as there was a "it's going to help your brothers" added to it. Riyo has already started plotting how to convince the boy - well, Fox was a man but it felt strange to address him as such when he barely reached Riyo's small height - that he had to care for himself too.

"Something important, I believe, you have on mind," master Yoda started. "Speak you may, senator Chuchi."

Riyo took a deep breath. There really wasn't a good way to say this, was there? "The chancellor is a traitor."

As expected, she was met with surprised, confused and outraged "whats". Riyo noticed Fox tense behind her. Then master Koon spoke. "Let's calm down, masters. While this is unexpected and unbelievable, the senator rings true in the force."

"Master Koon is right," master Kenobi supported him.

"Hear, what the senator has to say, we shall."

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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