On Coruscant

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Has Fox already mentioned he hated being a 12 years old? Probably yes. Because, force, he hated it so much. And his little vode even more.

Not only were they so small, so weak. They were also behaving like cadets again, no matter how much they all knew deep down there how they should act, it didn't stop them from acting worse than the shiniest shiny there was.

That's how he found hiself tired after standing in the senate for two hours. The armor felt too heavy and his legs felt like they were about to give out and he still had four more hours to the end of his shift. At least the senate debate was somewhat interesting today, since they were talking about the clones.

"We can't afford to lose all our war efforts because of a small problem," a representative of the Banking Clan, Fox didn't really know his name, stated.

"If I may, senator," Bail Organa spoke. "From my point of view, this is a rather big problem. The clones are children and it would be against everything the Republic stands for to send children to fight our war."

"I agree," senator Amidala supported him.

"The clones aren't sentient, does it matter so much that they are smaller now?" the same Banking Clan representative objected.

"Even if you were right, senator," senator Amidala answered with a well hidden displeasure. "The odds of clones in their current situation surviving a battle would be even lower than is usual. And even if you don't think the clones sentient beings, even if they are just flash droids to you, the need for clones will rise along with the amount of money the Republic owes Kamino."

"Speaking of which," the chancellor himself let himself be heard from his place in the middle of the senate chamblers. "This was never supposed to happen. How can we trust the Kaminoans with the creation of our army when such a great mistake is possible?"

Senator Burtoni straightened in her pod. "I assure you ou best scientists are dealing with the situation."

"Your scientists were supposed to make sure nothing like this will happen!" senator Dod yelled, getting shouts of agreement from various other senators.

"This," senator Burtoni started in the cold voice all longnecks seemed to speak with, silencing the chamblers. "This was unpredictable, yes. But the Republic has caused this upon itself with it's own actions."

That got a negative reaction from the rest of the senators but those died down as soon as they were reminded that wothout the Kaminoans, the war would be lost. It resulted into an argument and the debate being ended and scheduled to continue the following day.

The senators started leaving, either alone or with their guards and servants, ocassionally sticking together with their fellow senators. But all of them had one thing in common: they were heading outside of the senate chamblers. With the exception of senator Chuchi, the representant of Pantora.

Fox had noticed the senator. She was new, still idealistic among the older senators. And she seemed to see clones as people. And the teenage Fox didn't fail to notice what the regular Fox forbid himself from noticing. That senator Chuchi was an exceptionally beautiful woman, the dress in traditional red color hugging her body just right, the gold accesories matching her face tattoos. And she was walking towards Fox.

"Commander," senator Chuchi greeted Fox with a nod of her head, a strand of loos purple hair falling into her face with the movement.

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