The Jedi suck at babysitting

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Anakin just finished his paperwork. He hated doing paperwork but it had to be done and since he could hardly redirect it at Obi-Wan who was babysitting his battalion and also had his own paperwork. He was lucky enough to have a padawan that was totally qualified to take care of a legion of 11 year olds.

He stretched before he headed to the mess hall to get something to eat. He got a ration bar. The force knew Anakin deserved some better dinner for all the work he had done that day but the Republic provided the army only with basic supplies so ration bar it is.

The passing little clones always nodded at him with respect. They had no saluting rule even before they shifted and now it would be even weirder because they were basically children. It was somewhat comical how their clothes were too big for them. The council promised to negotiate some smaller clothes for the clones before they were able to fix their age but for now they had to wear their usual clothes.

"Wait... Kix!" he called after the clone that just passed. "Where is commander Tano?"

"Haven't seen her in a while," Kix shrugged.

"Alright, thanks," Anakin knew the troopers didn't need Ahsoka to be exactly watching them but still, when he told her to look after them, he didn't expect her to just disappear and leave the clones to their fates.

Anakin decided to check on Ahsoka. Her room was on the way to his anyway.

"Hey, Ahso-" Anakin almost choked on his ration bar.

"Master!" Ahsoka greeted him.

"General," Fives and Jesse nodded at him while trying to hide Rex behind them and Ahsoka. And they had hella reason for that.

"What. Is. Going. On?"

"They forced me, general!" rex shouted while still hiding behind his brothers.

"You. Forced. Rex. To- to-"

"We thought the commander's dress would suit him," Fives offered him an innocent smile.

"General! Save me, please!" Rex left his hideout behind Fives and Jesse and Anakin finally had the option to truly look at him.

Rex had Ahsoka's dress on. It seemed pretty tight even on his 11 years old body. Anakin couldn't help but laugh. It looked so weird but at the same time, it was incredibly adorable.

"Don't laugh at me!" the baby captain folded his hands on his chest and glared at Anakin, which just made him laugh harder.

"Snips, I hope you have photos."

"Of course, Skyguy," Ahsoka winked at him and showed him a photo on her data-pad.

"No! Delete that!" Rex screamed and reached for the data-pad in Ahsoka's hands but underestimated the tightness of Ahsoka's dress and fell over. He blushed and glared at everyone in the room.

"Oh c'mon, Rex. It suits you," Jesse laughed.

"Yeah. It's a shame that commander Tano doesn't use make-up. That would add it even more touch," Fives teased and dodged Rex's fist.


"No! Commander, please! This is torture!" Rex begged Ahsoka.

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