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Y/n is 20 years old and has just signed for Arsenal Women after leaving Wolfsburg .

Y/n is English and is best friends with Russo and Stanway .


Y/n arrives at the training ground and heads to Jonas office to meet him .

Jonas is sat at his desk and welcomes you in and you take a seat .

J: Hi y/n , it's so good to see you finally here now as we have wanted you for a while .

Y/n: Thanks Jonas it's so good to be back in England especially at a team like Arsenal.

J: I will show you around after we had a team meeting where we will unveil you as our newest addition.

Y/n: Okay thanks Jonas . I can't wait to meet the others .

J: Okay let's head to the meeting room and would you be able to wait at the door until I nod at you for you to come in.

Y/n: Yep sure I can do that Jonas

You and Jonas walk to the meeting room and Jonas starts the meeting ...

J: Hey girls , thank you for being here as we reveal our newest addition to the team after her long journey

K: Is it anyone we know ?

J: You may have heard of her as she's an amazing player

J: Please Welcome ... * He nods at you

Y/n: Hi girls , I'm y/n and I'm raring to get going with this already amazing group .

A: Omg y/n ... You kept that secret

Y/n: I know , I'm so glad your here too

A: Yeah it's going to be like old times

Y/n: Yeah hopefully we can score the same amount of goals like back then .

A: Yeah I hope so . I've missed you but I'm glad your back in England now .

Y/n: Germany was so good but it's good to be back home with one of my best friends.

A: Yeah I can't wait for us to spend more time together .

The meeting finishes and you all head to the changing room .

Y/n: Wow this kit looks so much better in person especially when you have just signed .

You notice someone sat next to you and they make eye contact with you ...

L: Hi y/n , I'm Leah and I hope your okay after your long journey.

Y/n: I'm feeling okay even though I only landed in England in the early hours of this morning.

L: I don't think training would help you then as I'm sure you would rather have a bed instead of training. * She laughs

Y/n: Yeah a bed would be nice .

You all head out to training and doing some free kicks and penalties .

You see a ball on the halfway line and kick it and it goes straight in the top corner ...

A: I see you haven't lost doing that then

Y/n: It's weird because I don't know how I do it * You both laugh .

J: Wow y/n, what a strike

Y/n: Thanks Jonas

All the girls start applauding you

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