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Y/n opens up her message from her agent and this is what the message says ...

Agent: Hi y/n , I am just messaging you about the rumours that are flying around regarding you and Manchester City. There is some interest from their side in signing you and I feel like this could be a big move for your career. Please call me when you see this . Thanks.

Y/n goes to her room ...

Y/n rings her agent Martin after seeing the message

Y/n: Hi , I saw your message

M: Hi , I'm glad you saw it , I can tell you that they are doubling your wages and we get £25,000 each if you sign .

Y/n: Wow double my wages

M: Yeah this maybe a one in a lifetime opportunity for you

Y/n: Let me have a couple of days to think about it and il let you know

M: Yeah that's okay . if theres anything else that develops, I will let you know.

Y/n: Okay thanks . Speak to you later

Y/n walks back in to see Alessia still watching pitch perfect...

A: Hey , who was you on call with ?

Y/n: Just an old friend that's all

A: Okay , you haven't missed much of this movie

Y/n and Alessia watch the movie and then both head to their rooms and fall asleep

It's the next morning and you have both just arrived at training ...

* Skip to two hours later

Everyone is doing some mini passing drills and you are doing one touch passes with Kim Little when Kelly Smith calls you over

K: Hey y/n , Jonas wants you in his office

Y/n: Okay il go now

Y/n walks to Jonas office wondering what this could be about

Y/n knocks and the door and Jonas let's you come and sit on a chair opposite him

J: Thank you for coming at short notice

Y/n: No worries. What is this about?

J: I have to inform you that me and the board have accepted a sum from Manchester City for you to sign there

Y/n: Wow things develop quickly don't they

J: They are expecting you later on tonight to sign so we have sorted out for a taxi to take you and your agent there .

Y/n: Okay I guess. if this is the last time I see you then thank you and tell the girls I said thank you for being amazing too.

J: I will don't worry

Y/n leaves Jonas office and gets changed back into her clothes that she arrived in and jumps into the taxi without the girls noticing...

* Skip to 3 hours later and it's now 5pm

Y/n and her agent arrive at Manchester City training ground

Y/n is welcomed by Gareth and is led into his office where you and your agent read through the contract

Y/n is looking through the contract and sees that her wage is lower than her arsenal one and her agent is set to get £50k just for getting y/n to sign and not half like he said

Y/n looks at Gareth with her face looking even more angry ....

Y/n: I'm sorry Gareth, I can't sign here , I have been lied to by someone sat next to me. I'm sorry for wasting time.

Y/n walks out the office and back to the taxi and asks the taxi to take her back to London

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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