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Y/n: Jonas I have decided and I want to join .....

J: Okay that's fine y/n, I will let them know your decision. Please go train with the others and I will speak to you later.

Y/n: Okay that sounds okay to me Jonas.

J: Okay see you later Jonas . It's up to you if you want to tell the girls.

Y/n: Il keep quiet for now

Y/n leaves Jonas office and heads to training with the others knowing it's her last one potentially...

A: Hey y/n , there you are ... Let's go do some penalties ... Manu has saved all of them so far

Y/n: Is that so ???

Y/n steps up to take a penalty and hits it towards the top left corner and manu goes the wrong way and it's in ....

Y/n: What did you say Alessia about her saving all of them ... * Y/n laughs

A: Great penalty y/n . * She laughs back at you

M: Wow y/n ..  I would have never saved that even if I had gone the right way

Y/n: Oh well

You all do some passing drills and free kick routines before Jonas comes out and wants a team meeting on the training pitch....

J: Some good training out there today girls , i hope you can keep up the good work towards our next game.

J: I do have some news to announce or rather Y/n has some news to announce to you all ....

Jonas nods at you and you stand next to him

Y/n: When I signed in the summer , it was a dream to sign for my childhood club and an opportunity to play with some amazing players that are here. However with all the quality here ... Jonas and I have decided that it's best that I move to another club .

Everyone looks shocked but intrigued to see who your going to be joining ..

Y/n: I will see some of you around as I'm staying England at the moment. I have decided to join this is my goodbye to you all.

Y/n tears up and heads to the group for hugs

You have said bye to everyone but one and that's Leah ...

L: Keep in touch with me y/n , gonna be weird without you here.

Y/n: Yeah I will ... See you on the pitch at some point.

Y/n tears up and heads to her car to drive to  ....

While y/n is driving ... She uses her hands free phone system on her car to call Alessia who would be back home now after training earlier ...

A: Hey y/n, you okay ?

Y/n: Yeah I'm okay I guess

A: Are you nearly there ?

Y/n: I'm about 20 minutes away

A: I wish you the best of luck there y/n.

Y/n: Thank you Alessia

Y/n ends the call

* 25 minutes later ... Y/n arrives at the  training ground but no one is there after they trained earlier on in the day

The manager  is still there as she meets you at the gates

C: Hey y/n , you got here quick

Y/n: I'm so happy to be joining this great club

C: I will let you in and we will get you signed up

You walk into the building with the manager and head to the medical room for checks

You have completed all your medical checks and everything is fine

You walk into a media room to have your media photos taken and contract signed ...

You walk in when you see a familiar face sat with another player...

Y/n: GIO

G: Y/N

You and gio hug

G: This is Jordan , she is one of your team mates and she also came from arsenal

Y/n: Thought I had signed for Aston Villa not Arsenal Villa. * They all laugh.

You have your photos taken and contract is signed

Aston Villa post a photo of you signing with Jordan and Gio stood next you smiling ...

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