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Y/n opens the door and sees its leah ...

Y/n: Hey Leah

L: Hey y/n , can I come in ?

Y/n: Yeah I need to tell you something

L: Yeah okay that's why I came around

Y/n and Leah sit on the sofa ...

Y/n: Lucy is showering so she won't hear what I say

L: Okay what is it ?

Y/n: I know your the captain and that's why I wanted to tell you and not anyone else .

L: Okay ....

Y/n: Before training , I got a message from Gio . She said she had met someone new and she ended things between me and her.

L: Oh I'm so sorry to hear that y/n and that explains the hug before training

Y/n: Yeah I needed that hug a lot so thank you for that

L: Like I said im always here for you ... Are you still coming to the movie night?

Y/n: Yeah of course I am

L: Okay I'm gonna get changed and I will see you there

Y/n: Okay Leah see you later

Leah leaves and Y/n feels slightly better telling someone about her and Gio then bottling it up inside.

It's now time for you and Lucy to head to Keira's movie night

K: Hey y/n, hey Lucy ... Come in ...

Y/n: Wow nice layout

K: Thanks , anyway do you want a drink ?

Lu: Yeah il take a wine please

Y/n: il take a wine too thanks

Keira and Lucy goes to get drinks and you see Leah and Beth sat on the sofa so you go say hi

Leah: Hey y/n

Y/n: Hey Leah , hey Beth , you both okay ?

L: Yep

B: yeah

Leah taps on the sofa next to her to say she wants you to sit next to her ...

Y/n sits next to Leah and Keira and Lucy come back with drinks

K: There you go y/n

Y/n: Thank you Keira

You watch lion king and pitch perfect with the others and you are all pretty drunk including y/n.

Y/n: Anyway girls , thank you for a great time , I'm heading back to my room now.

L: Okay il walk you to your room

Y/n: Okay goodbye everyone

Leah walks you to your room

Y/n: You didn't have to walk me to my room you know ?

L: I know but I wanted to make sure you got back safe

Y/n: well I'm here now

L: Don't forget I'm here anytime you need me

Y/n: Thanks Leah I appreciate that

L: Okay see you tomorrow y/n

Leah and y/n hug and afterwards Leah kisses you on the cheek ....

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