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Y/n sets off to Aston villa without saying goodbye to any of the England players

She arrives back at the Aston villa training ground and sees a medical person to check her knee ...

The medic examines and scans her knee and Y/n goes home while they wait for the results...

Y/n is at home on her own until tomorrow when everyone comes back to their clubs

Y/n wakes up the next morning and makes herself some breakfast when her phone rings ....

Y/n answers

M: Hi y/n, it's Martin the medic from Aston villa and I wondered if you could come in to discuss the scans

Y/n: Yeah okay I will be in about half an hour or so

M: Okay y/n see you then

Y/n arrives at Aston villa training ground to see Martin

M: Hey y/n , please take a seat

Y/n sits down and listens to Martin

M: hey y/n , unfortunately it isn't good news for you as your kneecap is unfortunately fractured .

Y/n: I'm so glad I got it checked out then

M: Yeah and the kneecap should heal on its own so you won't need surgery just rehab and physio and this leads me onto my next question for you

Y/n: Okay

M: Would you like to recover here or the club have said they would be happy to cancel your loan so you can go back to arsenal and recover there ...

Y/n: I think I would like to recover at arsenal if that's okay martin

M: Yeah I will let the club know and you are now free to leave back to arsenal . I hope you heal and get back to your great form that you was in.

Y/n: Thank you

Y/n leaves back to arsenal and posts this on her Instagram story ....

Y/n leaves back to arsenal and posts this on her Instagram story

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