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It's the next morning and you have woken up with pain in your ankle but you haven't told anyone yet .

You get changed, have breakfast and head to the ground for a pre season game against Peterborough Ladies.

You arrive at the ground and Jonas pulls you to the side to have a chat

J: Hey Y/n , just wanted to let you know that I am starting you today and I will be subbing you off at half time with it being a pre season game

Y/n: Is it just me being subbed off at half time ?

J: No I will be taking the whole team off at half time and second half will be a completely different eleven players

Y/n: Okay thank you for letting me know

You go out to warm up and the pain is still there in your ankle but you carry on

You head back inside to get your kit on before the game begins

The game kicks off ....

The first twenty minutes have been pretty equal with only a few chances being made

5 minutes later ... Catley puts in a cross that y/n runs onto and scores with a right foot finish

You don't really celebrate and head back so the game can restart

10 minutes later and a Peterborough defender puts in a bad tackle on y/n that leaves y/n rolling around and holding her ankle

Y/n gets up a short while later without medics coming on

It's half time and everyone heads towards the tunnel apart from y/n.

Y/n throws her boot off in anger and sits down on the pitch and takes off her bandage and sock .

She punches the ground in frustration and decides to get up and head to the changing room

Gio notices you come in later than the others

G: Is everything okay y/n?

Y/n: Yeah I'm fine thanks

G: Are you sure ... Did someone want your sock ?

Y/n: I was just taking my bandage off since im not playing second half

G: Okay but why didn't you wait until you got in here

Y/n: I don't know.

Y/n sits in the stand with the subs bench being full.

The game finishes and Arsenal win 2-1 against Peterborough Ladies.

Y/n walks down some steps with Alessia to get to the tunnel

Y/n: Owwww

A: Everything okay y/n

Y/n: Yeah I'm fine just leg aches after being sat down for a while

A: Okay

You both get to the changing room and Jonas is talking

J: Today was all about getting you ready for the start of a new season . The result was good but your fitness is the aim of these games .

Everyone gets changed and you all head home

You are still staying with Alessia and you both arrive back home

A: Hey Y/n , you having problems with your ankle?

Y/n: Yes it did hurt during the game , how did you guess?

A: One of the coaching staff saw what you did at half time

Y/n: Okay that makes sense . I was just checking my bandage after it got knocked in that tackle.

A: If you do have any issues then the medics are there for you.

Y/n: Thank you Alessia

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