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Y/n and Alessia decide to watch a movie when there is a knock at the door ....

Alessia answers the door

A: Tooney , what you doing here ?

E: I've come to see my two favourite people obviously

A: Yayyyyyy

Y/n: Hey Ella , good to see you

E: Good to see you back in England y/n even though you should have signed for United. * Ella laughs

Y/n: Or you could always just join arsenal . *Y/n laughs.

E: Hmmmm no

Ella joins y/n and Alessia as they watch another movie before Ella heads back home .

It's the next morning and you receive a text from an unknown number

The message says " Hi y/n, I will explain later but would you be able to meet me at the cafe near the training ground please? "

Y/n replies with " Okay see you there".

Y/n arrives at the cafe and heads inside when a waiter approaches her

W: Hi is your name y/n ?

Y/n: Yes it is , how do you know ? 

W: I can't explain right now but please follow me

Y/n follows the waiter to a table in the corner of the cafe

W: Just wait here please and you will find out soon

Y/n: Okay can I have a coffee while I'm waiting please

W: Yes of course

Y/n: Thank you

Y/n waits there for five minutes before you hear the waiters voice again

W: Yeah she's just there

The mystery person walks up to you ....

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