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It's now the next morning and you are all at the training ground in the changing room before heading off to the pitches ....

J: Hi y/n good to see you today , would we able to have word in my office after training ?

Y/n: Yeah of course we can Jonas . I will see you then.

J: Okay don't worry it's nothing bad.

Y/n: Okay see you after training.

Y/n heads back training with the others who are practicing their free kicks

L: Hey y/n , it's your turn

Y/n: Okay

Y/n takes the free kick and hits it into the top left corner of the goal with Zinsberger unable to get near it

L: Wow your right foot is magic y/n

Y/n: Thanks , I wasn't even trying

L: I think we have a new free kick taker

Y/n: No pressure then

L: No

Training finishes and you head to Jonas office

J: Hey y/n, please take a seat.

Y/n sits down

Y/n: What did you want me for ?

J: I know you are a new signing but I think it's best for you to head out on loan to another club where they can guarantee you more minutes.

Y/n: Are you joking with me Jonas ?

J: No I'm not joking with you y/n. There are some wsl teams after you and some other teams after you .

Y/n: Why did you sign me if you just going to send me out on loan ?

J: We have depth in the position you want to play so your game time would be very limited.

Y/n: What teams are interested in the wsl ?

J: West ham , Chelsea and also Manchester United

Y/n face drops when he doesn't mention Aston Villa

Y/n: How about the teams abroad ?

J: Your old team Wolfsburg is still interested in you and Barcelona also have shown an interest in you .

Jonas phone starts ringing

Jonas comes off the phone

J: You can add Aston Villa to the list of interested clubs too

Y/n starts smiling when Jonas says that

Y/n: When do I have to decide?

J: have a think about it tonight and message me or tell me in training tomorrow what your choice is . You can always stay but you won't play that much unfortunately.

Y/n: Okay thanks Jonas

Y/n walks out to the car park where she sees Alessia waiting in the car waiting for you to head home.

Y/n and Alessia are on their way home ..

A: Was everything okay with Jonas ?

Y/n: Not really no .

A: Why what happened ?

Y/n: I'm leaving arsenal to go somewhere on loan until the end of the season

A: Why ?

Y/n: Apparently my game time would be limited

A: Okay that makes sense . Have you decided where you going ?

Y/n: West ham and Chelsea are after me as well as your old club Manchester United.

A: That's some good teams y/n , that has to be a tough choice .

Y/n: I have already made my mind up but I am not telling anyone until it's all done .

A: Okay that's fine with me y/n. This could be good for your career and your chance to prove Jonas that you belong here.

Y/n: Thanks Alessia

You both arrive back home

* Skip to the next morning and you have arrived at the training ground

Y/n goes to see Jonas

Y/n: Hi Jonas I've made up my mind and I want to join .....

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