What is a Smash Bro?

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"Okay! Now that we all had our screams for the day, why don't we all introduce ourselves? Hm?"

Taking deep breaths as I clutched my wallet close to my chest, I kept the orange monster kid in the corner of my eye as I nodded my head at the short Italian man.

"Excellent! I shall go first, My name is-a Mario, Both as a first name and last name, Mario Mario if you will, It is very nice to meet you," The short man, Mario, chuckled as he reached out his hand and I tentatively gave it a shake.

"Mario Mario... Okay, My name is Forest, Forest River, Pardon me if I don't find this meeting pleasurable," I told him as I let go of his hand.

"That is-a perfectly understandable," Mario said before turning to the rest of the people with us, "Come on you three, introduce yourselves,"

Waddling up to me, the pink blob thing looked up at me with two deep blue dots as eyes before smiling happily up at me, his rosy cheeks spread on his face as he said "Poyo!"

"Poyo?" I repeated the word, Looking away from the pink ball and toward Mario.

"That's-a Kirby, You'll understand what he's-a saying soon enough," He said, Kirby nodding his head at those words before puffing up his cheeks and waving his small arms like a child attempting to fly.

And then I watched as he floated through the air like a balloon, flapping his arm nubs like little wings as he jumped through the air before landing on the nearby bench.

"He can fly..." I whispered in horror, my hand instinctively clutching my wallet tighter than before.

"!~??!!/~" I blinked and turned to look at the orange monster kid, Blinking my eyes as a series of gargling sounds left her mouth, somehow translated into a legible language.

I briefly looked back at Kirby, wondering if this is what Mario meant when he said I'll be able to understand what he's saying.

"Your name is Saffron?" I asked and she nodded at me, more sounds escaping her mouth as she continued talking, "But you also go by Agent 4?" She nodded once more.

I sighed and briefly closed my eyes, rubbing my eyelids with my fingers as I tried to process this weird situation that I was having.

"!!//??!~" Agent 4 said in her gargling voice before jumping into the air and slapping me on the shoulder on her way down.

I just stood there, my eyes moving to look at the last person around me.

The dude that tried to steal my wallet.

"My name is Sheik," He said from under his scarf, his hand still rubbing his chin from over his scarf from when I decked him earlier.
"I apologize for the confusion that you must be feeling, it seems that you are new to Smash," He said, his back leaning against the wall like some sort of edge lord.

"Don't change the topic!" I yelled, causing Agent 4 and Kirby to jump in surprise as they all turned to see me pointing at Sheik, "You tried to rob me!"

"Poyo?!" Kirby said as he turned to glare at Sheik.

"Wha- Listen here Forest River, I did no such thing!" Sheik said, getting defensive all of a sudden.

"Aha, There seems-a to be some kind of Misunderstanding, yes?" Mario said as he tried to calm the situation down.

"I don't know how much I can misunderstand, I wake up in the middle of the road in some random town-" I spread my arms and point at all the nearby buildings, the cobble road and the old-school metal lamp posts "-wearing this stupid costume-" I point at myself, at this adventurers outfit that looks like it came from some random JRPG from the nineties, "-And this Guy!" I point at Sheik "Is hovering over my body, and my wallet is gone. This creep probably kidnapped me for some sick fetish thing and then tried to dump me in some street when the drugs he used to keep me under were starting to wear off!"

"WHAT?! I Did no such thing! You are accusing me of a crime with no evidence! You are the one who dropped your own Wallet when you were thrown off the roof!" Sheik points a thin finger at me, his eyebrows furrowing as he glares at me.

"You threw me off a roof?!" I shout in surprise.

"YES!" Sheik yelled back before quickly trying to correct himself "NO! I Am not the one who threw you off the roof! And Also, This is Smash! Gravity doesn't hurt!"

"What the fuck do you mean Gravity doesn't hurt?! My back is hurting right now!" I yell at the blonde edge-lord. "Also! You keep bringing up this Smash thing as If I'm supposed to understand what You're talking about!"

"That's because you're a Mii Swordfighter! You should know this stuff!" Sheik yells, grabbing his hair in his hands and pulling in frustration.

"What the fuck is a Mii?!" I scream at the bastard.

"Aaargh!" Sheik screams in anger and kicks the ground, a small gush of water somehow spraying behind him as he flips into the air, his body twisting into a flying kick.

Seeing the foot of the bastard flying at my face, my eyes widened as my arms started moving on their own as if muscle memory was compelling me to act.

I grabbed the sword on my waist and unsheathed it, holding it diagonally in front of me as Sheik got closer.

And as his foot seemed to connect with my face, My body blurred, the leg passing through my head as If I was nothing but air, before my body instantly moved once more, the sword slicing upward in a retaliatory attack on Sheik, hitting him in the chest and pushing him away.

"Holy shit!" I screamed as the blonde thief was thrown away, My eyes turning to look at the silver sword I was now holding, somehow clean of any blood.

"I'm so sorry!" I yelled at Sheik, my legs shaking as I collapsed on the ground, my eyes still glued to the sword I was holding.

Sheik landed on his feet, his hand moving to hold his chest as a scratch mark appeared on his shirt.

He clicked his tongue and flicked his head away, his hair whipping behind him, "I accept your apology, but do not think I forgive you for your baseless accusations,"

"Lets-a all calm down for a moment," Mario carefully said as he grabbed my arm and helped me stand up.

"Poyo!" Kirby said from his place on the bench.

"Right! Forest, it seems you do not know what Smash is, So I will give you a quick rundown," Mario said and I turned to look at him, nodding hesitantly as my eyes turned to look at Sheik glaring at me from the corner.

"Okay, Maybe you'll explain to me what the hell is going on," I said as we both went to the bench, Kirby moving aside to give us room to sit, Agent 4 choosing that moment to also sit down, leaving all four of us on the bench with Sheik standing by himself.

"Okay!" Mario said loudly as he started to explain. 

"Allow me to teach you what Smash is!"

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