You are not real

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"Smash is a competition," Mario said as the group minus Sheik sat on the bench.

"Poyo," The pink blob, Kirby, Added with a nod of his head. I still couldn't understand what he was saying.

"Yes, Smash is a fight, A Tournament for people from all across the cosmos to participate in. I for Example come from the Mushroom Kingdom, while Agent 4 here comes from Inkopolis." Mario kept explaining and I could feel the seams of my mind fraying as my brain threatened to leak out.

This has to be some sort of dream or a really bad drug trip, or maybe none of this is real and Sheik's Drugs are still affecting me.

I touched my stomach, feeling no stitches where my Liver is supposed to be, but I wouldn't count Organ trafficking out yet.

"In Smash nobody is in any real danger, Gravity does not-a injure, and wounds do not-a bleed," Mario kept explaining, not noticing the existential crisis I was going through.

Mushroom Kingdom? Inkopolis? Next he'll tell me of some evil monster who kidnapped everyone.

"Do not be alarmed-a if you see the same person several times here, We all come-a from different points in time," Mario said, and that caught my interest.

"What does that mean?" I asked, still clutching my wallet close to me as my eyes moved up and down the street we were at, Glaring each time they passed over that blonde edge lord.

"Do you understand the concept of multiple universes?" It was with that question that my attention returned to Sheik, still leaning against the wall as if he's cooler than everyone else.


"Yeah, That's that one where every universe is different from another or someshit, right?" I nodded at him.

"I wouldn't use such crass language, But to simplify the explanation, yes. Each and every person here is from a different Universe, copied from a different point in time-"

"What do you mean copied?" I cut his explanation off, feeling some joy seeing his eye twitch in annoyance.

"It means-a that We have all been taken from specific points in out lives, while the versions of us who weren't copied to Smash continued living as if nothing changed," Mario said, and I think I sort of got the gist of what he was trying to tell me.

"So I'm a clone?" I asked.

"No!" Mario said with widened eyes.

"Basically," Sheik nonchalantly said, his voice uncaring.

"I see..." I nodded in understanding, "I'll be right back," I told the group before standing up and walking away.


"Do you think he's-a going to be okay?" Mario asked as he watched the Fighter Spirit he saved, the weird Mii Swordfighter who didn't know what Smash was, walk away.

"I'm sure he'll be fine," Sheik rolled her eyes as she watched Forest River turn down the street and disappear from view, "This is Smash after all, He's probably simply forgotten how this works."

"I Don't know..." Mario said with worry, "He seemed pretty-a spooked, Especially with accusing you of drugging him,"

Sheik's eyes twitched in frustration as her fingers curled, imagining them holding onto his neck as she strangled her frustrations out on him.

"Yes... That." Sheik kicked off the wall and started walking down the street.

"!!@###??))((!##@?" Agent 4 asked where she was going as she jumped off the bench and started following after the disguised Hylian Princess.

Super Smash Bros Ultimate: A Sword's Tale (OCSI x SSBU)Where stories live. Discover now