0.9 "I told you and I told you."

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the next morning I woke up a bit late on minho's bed but minho is missing I realize finding his spot on the bed empty. I just thought he'd be up making some lunch since it's lunch time so I go and look for him also hearing that all the other boys were wide awake. but I found jeongin the only one out his room "hey laya!!!" jeongin greets me.

"hey jeongin have you seen minho anywhere? did he go somewhere?" I ask "oh um yea actually he did." he says looking hesitant to tell me that minho did go somewhere "well do you know where?" I ask once more "ok listen you're maybe gonna be mad partly because he didn't wake you up to tell you but.. he's at lunch.. with madelyn." he admits and I froze. I have no idea what to think now. I mean why didn't he tell me? I wouldn't have been mad if he thought I would react like that.

"oh.." is the only word I can get out, I feel betrayed and hurt to be honest by minho's sudden actions. and suddenly that uncertain feeling about madelyn comes back and now it's gonna be there for the rest of the day, or at least till minho gets back home. jeongin notices me zoning out "are you ok laya?" he asks expressing worry for me "don't worry I'm fine I'm just gonna take a shower and go look for minho." I say before going to my room to pick out clothes before I hop in the shower.

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after I'm done doing my routine stuff I feel the urge to go and look for where minho and madelyn are having lunch coming back. I ask jeongin and he told me where he believes minho said the place was so I almost waste no time and go to the place jeongin said he would be. once I got to the place I see them. madelyn and minho in the window of the place chatting up a storm, some laughs going on here and there and I feel like breaking down immediately so I just run off luckily without one of the seeing me.

once I got home I noticed some tears falling down but I don't bother to wipe them off. after a bit of crying I calmed myself down and pull myself back up.

then I heard the front door open and close "love? are you home?" minho says, his voice ringing around the house. I then take a deep breath and come out my room "hi min!!" I say hugging him "hi sweetie" he says hugging back. "so when I woke up in your bed you weren't there.. where did you go?" I say hopefully he comes clean instead of lying to "not hurt me" "oh.. just met up with a friend for lunch" he says. he's already trying to hide it. "hm anyone I know?" I ask smiling. "no I don't think so.." he says lying straight through his teeth.

"did you eat yet?" he asks "no but I'm not that hungry right now so I'll eat something later" I say "as long as you eat love." he says coming up to me and kissing my head.

I'm supposed to be mad at him

the whole day after that I was very quiet, gave no suggestions to the boys on what to do with them today, gave everyone, including minho short responses whenever they asked me something or I would just "mhm" my way out of it. none of the boys noticed it fully but they did think my behavior was weird as it wasn't my usual self but one person noticed and it was minho. obviously god I swear he notices everything and anything wrong with me.

"I'll be right back, I'm gonna get a drink" I say getting up from the group and walking to the kitchen I then hear footsteps behind me I turn around and it is infact minho. "did you want a drink too?" I ask "no  I'm fine I just- what's going on with you today?" he suddenly asks but I knew the question was gonna come eventually so I wasn't stunned but his sudden words. "nothing" I say putting my head down "it's not nothing I mean your practically ignoring me and barely talking with the group and I'm starting to get worried." he says.

I pick up my head to finally look at him. "if I tell you now it'll ruin your mood." I say "I don't care honestly just tell me... please love?" he pleads. I then sigh as I finally give in into telling him I know about the lunch he had with madelyn and not just some "friend" he claims. "I know you went to lunch woth madelyn." I finally say, and I just see his face drop and conveys a "I fucked up real badly" look. "and then you lied to me about it" I say slightly raising my voice with some of the boys hearing me. "let's go to my room please." he says leading me to his room while holding my hand

the minute the door closes behind us. "why? why didn't you at least tell me about it I mean I still wouldn't be okay with it per se but atleast my boyfriend told me." I say feeling relief as I really needed to get that out "listen lay I'm sorry she said she just wanted to catch up and I agreed if I knew how much you'd be upset over this I wouldn't have said yes!, and I'm sorry I didn't tell you I just didn't want to hurt you and make you more stressed because I know you've been stressed about her" he says raising his voice.

when we're both done arguing the room is filled with silence "look I'm sorr-" he tries to say but I cut him off "if this relationship thing is gonna work you're gonna have to tell me things." I say with my head down "I know" he says "it might not be things I'd be okay with but I'd still think 'hey at least he told me about it'" I say "I know that too." he says "laya.. look at me please." he asks and I lift up my head to look st him. god those eyes.

"I'm so so sorry I didn't tell you I just didn't want you hurt but I guess you already are from me not saying anything but I swear it's never something you should be worried about. I'll stop talking to her if you want.." he offers "yea.. I do want that." I admit "it's just we're doing so good and I-" I begin to say "I know, I know." he sighs "this whole lunch thing screwed everything up didn't it?" he says "maybe a little bit" I say. "come here." minho says and pulls me into a warm, tight hug.

"are we good now? please tell me we are." he says "yes, we're good don't worry." I say.

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hiii this chapter is a bit chaotic and everywhere 😭
but thanks for reading

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