0.10 "in which everything goes horribly wrong"

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includes a bit of curse words
also pretty long so get ready !!

                         ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦

"what the fuck! what the fuck" I almost yell out. "laya baby.. please believe me I swear I never came onto her." he pleads with me "I don't know what or who to believe minho!" I say on the verge of tears of the sight I just saw not even five minutes ago.

how could we possibly be here? well, madelyn. I know exactly what she was doing I mean the lunch, the first sudden visit to our place, the girl was fucking crazy to say the least. I just can't believe minho didn't try all that hard to push her away.

now to the story as to why me and minho are arguing, I had come back from going around and shopping a little after a hectic, eventful week. when I had arrived at home and called out to minho only for me to get no response which was weird since he always did so I went to check inside his room and there I saw it. madelyn and minho, all up on each other like this was a netflix dating show. so here we are standing in this stupid living room yelling like idiots. while she still hides in minho's room not even daring herself to go out anytime soon. "Please believe me laya I swear! do you really think that low of me?" he asks "well I don't know I just walked into my boyfriend kissing his ex." I argue.

"I mean I... I told you I had a bad feeling now that she was in the city and you comforted me for a second and went to lunch with the girl how the fuck does that work?? 'there there I got you, also by the way I'm going out to lunch with her did I ever tell you?'" I say "no! look I know you had a bad feeling about her and I was hearing you but never really listened and I'm so sorry. I only love you! not her ok screw her! please... just believe me." he says, almost begging me. next think I know he's gonna be on his knees begging for my forgiveness.

"you really believe her over me?.." he asks "no." I admit "ok then, so do you believe she was the one who tried kissing me?" "yes, no I have no idea! I think I just need time to think about this whole ...thing" I say "well how much time?" he asks urgently. "I just need time min." I say putting my head down. I'm gonna go and stay a few nights at seungmin's new place." I say through my tears while also packing a bag. "yea..ok" he says softly but the sound of his voice breaking is evident it almost made me cry. "I'm gonna go now" I say looking up at him once more and seeing those eyes. those brown eyes which I adored, his whole face was screaming "please don't leave me" I then leave without saying bye as I was too busy crying as soon as I turned my back to him.

*minho's pov*

I watch her as she left. now I'm completely alone and I immediately feel lost without her presence. I'm too scared of this "time" thing. how much time will she take? would she leave me after that time? is she gonna find someone better? who isn't in contact with their ex? god I'm so stupid. I then walk back to my room revealing an upset but also satisfied looking madelyn. "min-" she begins to say before I cut her off "no. shut up. you ruined absolutely everything.." I say swallowing my tears the best I could. "I mean.. last time when we were together you told me to tell laya about my feeling and now you're trying your hardest to break us up?.." I say.

she stays quiet not saying a word at all. "get out." I say "minho please-" she says "and I mean it when I say.. I never want to see you again. go to new york and live your life. your life, stay out of mine." I say angrily. "fine." she says gathering her things and leaving. as soon as I hear the door close I just break down, having no idea what to do with the person I love most in this world, sleeping somewhere else tonight. how could I possibly regain her trust again? I think. then I found my self grabbing my phone and calling laya. it rings and rings but no answer. as expected but I still feel the need to try but after a few more failed calls, I gave up. giving into what she wanted.

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