0.7 "tick tick tick boom"

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*kind of a big time skip ??*

me and minho have been together for four months now and it's been so perfect with him I mean he's so sweet, loving, and protective of me I feel so much more at ease when I'm with him at any moment.

this morning I woke up excited because it's friday which means the weekend is coming up which also means spending time with minho. I'm not really sure what to do with him but we'll see. after getting dressed and all my other morning routine things I went over to my boyfriend's room.

"helloooo!!! time to get up my love come on" I say slight shaking him to wake him up "I don't like you at all it's only 7" he says half asleep "yes I know that but I wanna start the day early because I wanna spend time with you!!!" I say "well you can... right here in bed" he says before it goes silent "..that sounded wrong didn't it?" he says I laugh a bit "yes but come on get up-" I say before he grabs me by my waist and brings me into bed cuddling me

"min come onnn" I say between laughs "alright alright I'll get up" he says "really?!!?" I say "mhm" he hums "are you just saying that to shut me up?" I say turning to him "yyyep.. but I will get ready trust me" he says "let's just stay like this for a little while ok?" he says with his voice softly as if he's falling back asleep. "sure baby." I say.

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"ok now that we're finally up what do you wanna do today?" he asks "hmm I don't know let's go get something to eat I'm starved I haven't had breakfast yet" I say "alright first stop food" he says before intertwining my hand with his.

we stop at a little cafe and go inside "this place is cute! I can't believe I haven't been in here" I say looking around at all the decorations in the cafe "it is pretty cute" minho says. after we get seated and order some coffee and food me and minho start talking about random, funny things.

"ok that was good, you ready to go?" he asks me after finishing up eating "yea let me just ask if they can make me another coffee but to go" I say. "I'll be waiting outside" minho says after paying the bill.

"so um.. I have to tell you something and I don't know how you're going to react but uh.. maddie called me last night." he says. I stop dead in my tracks trying to process what he had just said. madelyn, his ex girlfriend who just picked up and left him. "madelyn madelyn?? like your ex girlfriend madelyn?" I ask raising my voice just a little bit but it was mainly due to pure shock "yea, her" he says "well what did she want?" I ask beginning to walk again with minho beside me "well she told me that she's really sorry about treating me like that and basically you know throwing me in the gutter" he explains. "well.. I guess it's good she wanted to make things right in the end" I say

I have to admit I was a bit jealous because of madelyn calling minho out of the blue like that, especially late at night. but I won't tell minho that of course.

after the whole madelyn situation conversation was finished silence grew between me and minho as the only sounds were of cars passing by on the road and occasional ambulance sirens.

"ok to lighten the mood a bit and to also avoid a minute longer of this ridiculous unnecessary silence between us how about I take you to the mall" he says while putting his hands on my waist smiling "oh my gosh really??" I say gasping "yes really you're mine, I have to spoil you at all times." he says "well okkk" I say laughing a bit before going in to kiss him.

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"oh my gosh look at that!!" I say looking at a beautiful gold necklace "get it" minho says, I turn to him "are you sure?" I say "yes now get it I'll pay for it don't worry I'm paying for whatever you get today, except if you decide you want the whole building." he jokes "ahh thank you thank you thank youuu!!" I say hugging him tightly "of course love now let's go get the necklace.

the whole rest of the day are filled with "ooh look at those!!" "those are so cute look at them!" all coming from me.

our last trip was to this camera store the mall had, now I never believed that I would come across a camera store in a mall but hey I am so not complaining.

"min!!! look at this film camera I NEED this so bad" I say picking up the camera to look at it more up close I've always been a photography person, I loved photography so much, capturing beautiful life moments on film has been so important to me for as long as I can remember

"let's get it then" minho says "really??? you aren't joking with me?" I ask "no of course not now come on let's go checkout the camera" he says walking towards the register "wait!!" I stop him which makes him turn around I then grab a few packs of film to be able to take pictures with it "can't forget film!!" I say walking to the cash register to check out.

once we were finally finished it was already getting dark when we left the mall "home?" I ask him "let's make one more stop okay?" he asks "alright whatever you want, but no creepy alley with no street lights" I joke "noted" min says.

once me and min get to the destination I immediately got the smell of the ocean and I could hear nothing but sounds of waves crashing against each other and then I finally found out where we were. the beach.

we both get out the car "stop love this is too sweet, you remembered." I say doing a little face to keep me from crying. One night with minho I expressed to him how I always wanted to go the beach at night saying how it was quiet with nothing but the waves crashing and the only light being shined was by the moonlight right above the ocean. I can't believe he kept note of that.

"I know you said how much you wanted to see the beach at night so I thought I could bring you here and have time to unwind and relax with me, oh and don't worry we won't have to sit on the sand back at the mall when you were busy looking at stuff I bought a blanket we can sit on instead" he says getting out the blanket from his car trunk.

"aww I love this so much." I say sounding like if he said one more thing I just might burst out in tears. "I'm glad you love it. now come on" he says taking my hand leading me to the beach and the perfect spot getting a perfect view of the waves and the moon.

after a long comfortable silence I decide to break it "thank you.. for bringing me here." I say turning my head to minho after I thanked him. he looked back at me "of course I love sharing moments like this with you." he says before smiling at me then going in to kiss me.

there's so much memories I have with minho how we always used to sneak in to chan's room and steal some of his candy from his stash, him gifting me something for all my birthdays since we first met, being comforted by him on days when I'm stressed or upset. but this moment I think takes the win.

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"ok ready to go home? it's getting late" minho asks "yea let's go" I say before getting up and heading the way home.

after a while being home we hear the doorbell "ooh check if it's the food I'll go get the drinks ok?" I say getting off the couch and walking to the kitchen "alright no problem" he says walking to the door

it seems to take minho to come back with the food which is strange so I go to check what's keeping him "hey is it the food? you're taking too-" suddenly I feel myself freeze in place the second I see who exactly is at the door.


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a bit of a long one also I'm sorry I haven't updated in a bit I've been busy with school plus I was so stuck on ideas of the next few chapters
love you tons 💗

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