0.2 "we can't have faith in everybody"

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I was sitting on the couch reading a book of mines while all my other friends chan, minho, changbin, hyunjin, jisung, felix, jeongin and seungmin were out doing their own things since it was a friday night.

it was 9:00 and I heard the door open, wondering who it was I get up and go to the door to see that it was minho.

"oh hey, how was dinner with madelyn?" I ask curiously "oh yeah it was great we had a good time." he says taking off his jacket and shoes. "she liked the book and all the other gifts you picked out" he says "really?? aww I'm glad" I say smiling "yea thanks by the way.. for doing the whole mall thing the other day." he says I'm suddenly surprised because minho thanking you for something you did is like winning the lottery, very rare.

"woww lee minho thanking me for something??? why I'm shocked." I say holding my hand over my chest "oh shush" he says as he goes into the kitchen. after a while everyone had came home and was in the living room. after a while of reading, listening to music I fell asleep since it was getting late.

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the next day I woke up I did my normal routine, get ready, do my makeup, get dressed that kinda thing. that day I decided to eat by myself at a cute little local place for breakfast. after that I went walking around since it was a chilly morning and it was real nice out, after some time out I went back home and decide to wake up all the other boys.

*bit of a time skip*

"ok so let me get this straight.. you want me to go to a stupid insanity event the city is throwing?" minho asks me. "yes!!! please it'll be so fun especially since it's been cold and that time of the year its perfect!" I say clapping and smiling.

"are you always this happy 24/7?" he asks
"are you always this grumpy 24/7?" I return the question.

"look I can't madelyn said she wanted to talk to me later today I don't know what it's about but.. yea." he said "ooh intrigue" I say. "so you can't come to the event with me??" I ask. "I couldn't if I wanted to, which I don't because you know how much I hate these happy go lucky event days" he says "oh yes. I know that's why I thought using my charm might work" I say as I flip my hair.

"oh I am burning up" minho says sarcastically. "annnd in which it failed" I said "ok but anyways I'll maybe ask seungmin or felix." I say "oh. alright" minho says. before we go our separate ways we say bye to each other.

                         .     . .     .

since I found out the other members were busy with their families this weekend I figured I'd go to this winter event by myself. sometimes being by yourself is good, gets you thinking about random things you haven't had time to think about yet.

after the event was over I walked back to a cafe I had found out the blue and since it's freezing I went in. but to my suprise I see a familiar face in the cafe, minho. for what reason? I had no idea to tell you the truth. we finally notice each other and I decide to sit at his table "hey grump pants what are you doing here?" I ask taking off my coat. "madelyn left." he said.

i almost stop in my tracks thinking this was some prank of some sort. "what do you mean like left left or like went on vacation left??" I ask "she left for good, I'm not even suprised since this is just what she does." he says at that moment I feel really bad for him. "aw I'm sorry min gosh, I thought she was dead set on staying here for real." I say "me too I mean it seemed like it for a minute but then I realized.. it's madelyn she wants be here the next day and over there the next." he says drinking his coffee.

"awe man I'm so sorry again" I say "eh it's fine don't worry about it, we can't have faith in everybody." he says "how about I pay for your coffee?" I offer. "let's stay in here for a second, are you hungry?" he asks "starved. I last had something to eat at that winter event which was a hour ago probably" I say. "oh yea how did that go?" he asks with interest I never seen before. "oh it was so fun and the lights were really pretty and there were some games and food so it was overall very nice." I say "that sounds brilliant" he says in a sort of joking tone.

after a bit me and minho ordered some food and some hot cocoa for the walk home.

*minho's pov*

I keep thinking about what madelyn said before she left.

"i'll be going away now."

"like you always do."

"don't be like that."

"like what? damn it maddie you come here out of the blue then you just pick up and leave after a few weeks. bing bang boom just like that. what's your reason now?"

there's another girl. and you obviously have this crazy crush on her-"

"who are you talking ab-" I finally realized just who she meant.

"your not talking about... oh madelyn we're just friends. nothing more I swear."

"I see how you treat her minho. it's a sweet kind of care from you to her. you care about her and your head almost breaks when you hear another boy's name coming out her mouth or when you stare at her when she's rambling about different stuff."

I stay quiet because it was true. all of it.
she picked up her bags and turned around the last time.

"don't be too late.. to tell her you know." then she just walks out.

*end of minho's pov*

"hey" I say while nudging minho in the shoulder he hummed in response. "whatchu thinking about?" I ask wondering if he's truly fine about this whole madelyn situation.

"just.. thinking" he says while looking back down at his feet as we continue the walk back home.

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I'm pretty proud of this chapter
who would've known I would be decent at writing ...
hope you enjoyed reading!! 💗

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