Chapter 27🪄

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~Hermione POV ~

I rub my tummy lightly with my hand in circular motions.

Since last night, my stomach has not settled down.

I have been throwing up more than normal and some light pain as well.

Feeling uncomfortable, I thought maybe I should go to St Mungo's to get checked out just to make sure.

I sent an owl to Luna that I wouldn't be making our lunch date today and that I'll be going to get a check-up.

Grabbing my handbag, I floo to the hospital.

It looked like today was going to be a long day in the waiting area, so many people were here getting looked at for all different reasons.

I guess my concerns were not that of a deal to the healers as they had taken Patience that had come after me.

"Hermione dear, are you OK?"

I looked up, and to my surprise, I saw Mrs, Malfoy headed over towards me.

"Hi, umm ya, I am OK. I'm just getting a checkup."

I feel so weird talking to her.

"OH hunny, I saw you here, and my heart just dropped. I thought something bad had happened with the baby."

"No, no, I just have been having little cramps and throwing up a lot, so I just want to make sure that the little one is ok."

She looked at my stomach with a worried look on her face it melted my heart kinda seeing her care.

"Do you need my son? Does he know?"

That's the last person I want to see at this moment but I wasn't going to tell her that.

"No, it's ok he is working, and I don't want to bother him. I'll be fine, umm not to sounds rude but why are you here are you not feeling well?"I asked

"I'm good dear I just came in to see an old friend of mine and then I saw you, I hope you don't mind but can I stay with you? I would feel a lot better to hear that you are ok from the healers."

I smiled, she cared, and I haven't had the motherly love feelings since my own mother.

God, do I miss her.

"Please do sit." I moved my handbag from the chair that was beside me so she could sit.

"Dear, we can use the Malfoy room if you would like."

"OH no, no." I shake my head."I am good it's ok. I can wait, but thank you for the offer."

Mrs, Malfoy placed her hand over mine.

"I don't know what is happening with you and my son, but I just want you to know that he cares for you a lot, Hermione. He had carried for you for many years now, he thinks I don't know but a mother just knows things and plus he would always write about you in his letters to me when he was off in school."

Draco has feelings for me? That can't be true.

He was so mean to me in school, and yes, we have been sleeping together, but that's just sex.

"Hermione, Mother." Draco said, running towards us.

He was panting breathing really fast.

Once he reached us, he bent over and placed his hands on top of his knees, and tried to catch his breath.

"Why are you here?" I ask, looking at him.

His hair was a mess his suit jacket wasn't placed on right, buttons were buttoned up in different holes.

"Luna said you were not feeling well and came to the hospital. Why didn't you tell me?" He said as he took deep breaths.

I looked at Mrs, Malfoy, and back at him.

Mrs, Malfoy then spoke, " I'm going to go and buy us all some tea at the cafeteria. I'll be right back."

She got up and excused herself  so that we could be left alone to talk.

Draco repeated himself again. " Why didn't you let me know?"

I whispered low. " Why would I let you know. Your Not the..." He didn't let me finish.

"Don't fucking say that I am not the father because I am and Viktor has also informed me that nothing is going on with the two of you so stop it. You might not like it but that baby you are carrying is mine and I won't let no other man take my place as it's father you are stuck with me Hermione Granger even if you don't like it." He said very loud that everyone in the waiting room had heard and where all looking at us.

For fuck sakes....



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