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Callum sat, prisoner in his own office. "Let me go, Claudia!" he shouted, but to no avail. "No. No, I don't think I will. But, I will ask one more time. Might you know anything about the archmage Aaravos?" She got closer to his face as she said this. The elf eyed her carefully. A strange little creature was crouched beside him. "Answer me!" she hissed.

Viren stared at the scene, face completely blank. No expression appeared on it. It was as if he wasn't even in there. Wasn't home. The creature screeched, "Blood of child!" The earthblood shushed him. "Terry! Keep. Him. Quiet!" He quickly apologized. When he did so, Callum heard him say the word, "love." That's odd. Claudia turned her gaze back to Callum. She wrapped a dangerous hand around his throat. "Talk," she growled.

All he could do was shake his head. Viren remained expressionless. Completely catatonic. The yellow-eyed creature tilted its strange little head at Callum. Claudia tightened her grasp. "Talk, or else..." Just then, the doors burst open. Soren stood in the doorway. Callum groaned. In this situation, Soren was the last person he wished to be saved by. As expected, Soren froze. This was the first time he had seen Claudia in two years, of course.

"C- Claudia?" he stuttered. She turned to look at him, shocked to see her brother again. Distracted, she loosened her hold on Callum. Terry glanced at Soren. "Do you know him?" "I thought I did," she responded without taking her gaze off Soren. "Who is he?" Soren spat. "Who are you?" Terry retorted. "The brother I told you about. Soren, the boy who failed." Callum saw a flicker of empathy for Soren in Terry's eyes, but it was quickly diminished.

Tears flooded Soren's eyes. The other crownguard appeared behind him. All of them. Rayla. "Help," Callum mouthed. The look of sadness that was on Soren's face was replaced by anger. He charged into the room. Callum could swear Viren's eyes were fixated on Soren, but his face was still completely vacant. Soren easily pushed Claudia to the side. He was twenty, after all. Examining the ropes Claudia had used to tie Callum up, he smiled. They weren't magic, and they were already frayed.

He sliced them easily and Callum stood. He drew a rune in the air Claudia regretted ever showing him. "Aspiro!" Callum yelled. A sharp wind swirled in the room. Terry was fascinated by Callum's understanding of the Sky Arcanum. As the wind ceased, Callum heard him mumble, "Woah."

The being hissed with distaste. Claudia smirked. "I hope you're happy, Sor-Bear." Scowling, she added, "Dad is gonna die because of you." Soren did not feel any guilt. He did not know how what he did would kill Viren, but, boy, was he glad it would- Wait, what? Viren? Rayla stared, horrified. Callum drew another rune in the air. "Ugh. Mages," Claudia groaned as he shouted, "Fulminis!" He aimed it directly at Viren.

"No!" Claudia screamed, jumping in front of the blast of lightning. "Claudia!" Terry called as he ran to her side. "Whoops," Callum muttered. Soren struggled to stand his ground. It hurt him to see Claudia injured in any way, yet she was the villain here. He tried so hard to stay where he was, yet he buckled and ran to her side. He crouched down and frantically asked if she was okay. Rayla almost stopped him, before thinking, This is his sister. If Callum was like Claudia, Ezran would run to his side, right?

Soren asked if she was okay so, so many times, yet she lay still and unresponsive. All color left Soren's face. He pleaded to himself that it would be acceptable to find a doctor. He knew Rayla wouldn't want him to, but she wasn't the boss in this situation. This was his family. Yet he would not leave her side. Soren grew more and more concerned. Soon tears flooded his eyes. "Claudia," he mumbled. "No."

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