To Xadia!

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Callum woke up early the next morning. He was feeling refreshed and well rested. He had also made sure Rayla had at least closed her eyes before he went to sleep. He listened to her little snores as he watched the sun rise. It seemed to him that it was the first time he had woken up first. Poor Rayla. She has to deal with Ezran's safety and- Callum turned to her. And mine. He smiled. She had always cared too much about him. Always terrified when he tried new spells. Always worried when they both had to work.

Because she loved him, of course. And Callum loved her more. More than she knew. Finally, she opened her eyes. She turned over to look at him. He smiled when she did. "Good morning, Rayla," he whispered. Only, she did not respond. She just laid her head down on Callum's arm and fell back asleep. He smiled. He then realized he could no longer move. "Okay. This is my life now," he muttered.

He grabbed a book off of the shelf next to him. Callum read it for a moment, then set it down and just looked at Rayla. So still. So quiet. So... perfect. It gave him confidence. Enough to, maybe, ask. That special question. He had to, and he had to today. Or else he might crack. Callum sighed. His breathing lined up with Rayla's, and for a moment, everything was calm. All was well. Everyone was okay. He relished in that moment. Those few seconds of calm. He took long, deep breaths, and finally found himself in his happy place.

Rayla smiled in her sleep. Callum smiled, awake. They were both happy. Everything was happy. Everything was good. Then there was a knock on the door and an unmistakable voice. "Blood of child?" "Sir Sparklepuff! No!" Claudia and Terry chased their homunculus down the halls of the castle. Rayla began to stir. Callum sighed. Later, he'd have to ask them to be quieter in the mornings. Finally, Rayla opened her lilac eyes. The prettiest eyes Callum had ever seen. "Morning, Rayla." She smiled. "Good morning, love." There it is again! She keeps calling me that.

"Vacation time," she yawned. Callum nodded. "Did you sleep better this time?" "Sure did." "That's good."

They packed up and left that morning. They grabbed water, lots of food, several maps, and spare boots. Outside the Katolis gates, Callum looked back at his home. We'll be back, he silently promised his kingdom. We'll be back soon.

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