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There may be grammatical errors...sorry in advance.
_______________<<<<<_______________________________"What are you doing?!" I shyd away as he pecked me on the cheek and went into kitchen.
Robert and I had become good friends. He was a widower and since I had shifted into his house we had become good friends. Mentally we were in the same place. I was in sophomore year and  he was in his late 30s. We both were lonely. Lacked friends. While other five had their own lives and wouldn't be around I usually spent time at home which lead Robert, the owner and me to be good friends.

I was 19 and I had developed feelings for a man twice my age.
"I am sorry if that upset you" he said coming to stand beside me, " I thought we were really close friends and could do some silly things."
"I didn't mind so seriously " I rolled my eyes, "stop embarrassing me"
He was bald but he had little hair on the side which seemed to always freshly shaven but he had kept himself physically fit.
"Ok" he smiled ,"hug"
He spread his hands.
How could have I missed this. I wrapped my hands around his neck and he swirled me half in air.
He pulled away to look at my face, "We're good?"
"Of course "
"You know"he pursed his lips and his eyes filled with sadness, " since Laura died, I thought I was alone...loneliness kept trying to eat me but"he looked down at me, "I feel alive again"
His hands traced my curve with which my cotton shirt went  up and his hands touched my skin making my heart skip a beat.
"I feel the same way" I whispered.
His hand wrapped again this time touching my skin and a bit more with force pressing me to him.
"You're my best friend" he said.
"You're too" I smiled.  Whatever this was...he could name it whatever....I wanted it.
"Why don't you go study, I'll call you for dinner" he said hugging me properly.
I hugged him back, "okay"

I heard a knock, "come in"
"Hey" he walked in with a tray.
"You didn't have to "I smiled as soon as I saw his face.
"Oh I had to"he says placing the tray on my table " since you studied hard enough to not notice time"
  I climbed my bed and he placed the bed table then my food on it.
"Thanks" I say looking at him.
" no problem mam"he says digging in beside me.
I began eating my food and we began to normally talk about how other 5 don't show up and how they are silling around while I am here always locked up.
"I don't mind" I say and drink some water and he places the table on the floor with dirty Plate, "I am happy with what I have"
He leaned in close as if teasing, "what do you have?"
"I have you" I say.
"And It's not my problem I have my bestie inside the house" I bragged
"That's true " he says rubbing his hands.
"Are you cold?" I ask, "come on in"
"No that would be...."
"Come on!" I say pulling him in and covering him with my quilt.
"Alright?" I ask
"Better ".
I was almost pressed to the wall side.
"You keep insisting We're best friends and then you get all awkward" I say while my heart beat raced.
"That's true" he smiles, "you look uncomfortable.".
"I am not" I say.
"Come here" he spread his hand behind my shoulder,  "I'll be your pillow"
I face him and we sit close to each other. He begins brushing my hair back as we talk .
I turn off the main light.
"Why did you turn off the light?"he asks.
"Oh there's the dim lamp lit don't worry...don't wanna attract attention" I say pulling the quilt up to my neck.
It was a single bed so I could still feel some air on my back.
"You're cold?" He asks then begins  covering me.
"It's ok" I plead but he covers me up.
"Better not get sick" he faces me , "what about your legs?"his hands touch my thigh and he pulls me closer to him.
"Warm enough" he says.
"I'm fine" I blush as his hands rest there.
"It'll trouble me the most if you get sick" he says .
"Wouldn't it be an honor to take care of me?" I ask .
"Oh it would" he smiles as he hands caressed my thighs a little,  "you seem cold" as he embraces me closer by the shoulder and I rest my head on his chest.
"You really are the best Robert" I say wrapping my hands around his warm stomach, "your wife was a lucky girl"
" she was " he whispered. , " and me too"
He said, " Sometimes i think she saw me then sent you to me"
"Could be" I say placing my one leg above his and  he caresses it making me burn.
"I'm glad I met you" he said and I look at him claiming the chance to press my braless boobs against his tight chest.
"I'm glad too" I smile pressing my 36 size soft bouncy chest lightly against his.
He takes a deep breath, "Maybe I should go now"
"No.."I half moan and request, "please"
He smiles, "ok"
"So have you ever had a boyfriend?" He asked.
"No but I've had guys I liked" I say sitting up a bit to press my boobs against him in a better angle and pull up the quilt so he won't know I was doing intentionally.
"So you haven't kissed before?" He looked down at lips.
"Pecked" I say.
"A girl your age usually explored it all" he says brushing my hair away and caressing my neck making me want  crush my lips against him.
"That's true" I say and rest my head on his shoulders my lips touching his neck.
His hands on my thighs moved up to my tummy just below my chest wrapping it and pressing me to his chest.
He intentionally pressed his hands to the softness of my breasts every few seconds.
"You're an amazing girl" he leans towards my lips just few inches away, " i feel sorry for guys who missed out on you Vimi" he says.
I smiled as his warm breath brush my lips.
"Oh Robert" I pushed my face in his neck  wrapping my hands around his shoulders, " I'm so glad I have you"
He pulls me closer and our legs were tangled, "let's lie down" I say and he nods.
He lies down and I lay half  above him and rest my face in my palms.
"Your hands would ache" he says, " just..." I wrap my hands around his tummy as he face me and Our faces were so close that we could hear each other breath.
His legs wrap around my hips and his hands go caressing my bare back because my t shirt had tangled stuck below my boobs.
He wraps his hands around my waist and pulls me closer, " don't be left in cold"
My whole body pressed against his. Our cheeks were against each other our lips besides each other's ears. We pulls our faces a bit back to meet eyes.
"You're a beauty" he says smiling and rubbing his nose against mine.
I blush, "I Don't care even if I am not"
"But you are" his hands slides to the side rise of my breasts making me shiver a little.
I wrap my hands around his neck and caress his head.
His kisses my collar bone and I get goosebumps but I pretend to be normal.
I close my eyes as he continually caresses my back skin .
For few minutes we laid like that listening to each other breath. I unwrap my hands and face the other side pretending to sleep.
"Vimi" he whispers in my ear from behind as his hand caress my tummy.
"Yeah" I say half sleepy.
I hear him shift closer and he pressed against my back.
"You want me to go?" He asks.
I face the ceiling then look at him, "you wanna go?"
He kisses my cheek, "I wil if you want me to"
I kiss his cheek too, "why would I want that" I say.
He smiles meeting my eyes. I smile back and take stretch then lay my chest on his chest .
"Just lay with me "I whisper.
His hands go and push my t shirt up exposing my nipples and breasts.
His face meets mine, "You're really pretty" his hands play around my navel the brush up to my left boob softly cupping it.
His head dugs in my neck as he slowly cupped and pressed my boobs under the quit then caressed my tummy.

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