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I was about to go when I requested him to show me the shed. 
"You wanna see horse?" He asks.
"I'd love too "
" ok" he began going in but I stopped midway. , "what?"
"I am scared they'll  stomp over me."
"You haven't changee at all" he takes me by hand and leads me towards a black and white horse.
"Wow" I exclaim.
"I just bought him" he caressed it's long face. I caressed it's long face too. We adnired it for a few minutes when he asked, " shall we go?"
I nodded.
"Bye Trophy" I patted it's nose and began to walk when I stumbled and hurt my feet.
"Wow!" I exclaimed in pain.
Peter ran up to me concerned and looked at my wound, "it'll be alright, let's wait for the pain to settle" he helped me up and we sat on the soft grass.
I lay back resting my head.
"Is it settling?" He touched my ankle.
" yeah"I nod.
"Lemme know when you're reay and take your time' he smiled at me.
He pressed my feet, "does it hurt?"
"No," I say and he slowly presses it as if to relieve me from pain.
After some time he dropped me at my home and left.

A week passed roaming around and helping my parents around the farm. It was like coming back to my roots.
In the evenings Peter and I would take walks while seeing the setting sun.

"So you'd be leaving tomorrow?"Peter asked.
"Yeah" as I open the gate of my house."Ok"he pursed his lips, "take care" "You too" I say. I see him slowly walk away when he turned to face me, "can I show you a li'll something tonight?" He asked."Sure" I nod.
"Okay" I Say
Peter boated through the stream between tall trees with moonlight falling wing , he roped the boat to a tree and held my hand as he walked me into the woods and finally an opening which lead to......

 "Okay" I SayPeter boated through the stream between tall trees with moonlight falling wing , he roped the boat to a tree and held my hand as he walked me into the woods and finally an opening which lead to

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Astonished and mesmerized I looked at the sky.
"Be careful, that's a lake" he says as he holds my hand again.
I stare at the sky filled with stars and beautiful sky that separated vast.
"It's like I can see a whole galaxy "I whispered.
"I know" he says.
He let's go off my hand and I admire it .
We stand there like for twenty minutes . It was like I was completely lost.
"Wanna sit?" He asks.
"You have stuff?" I ask.
He shrugs, "I usually come here so I have my hiding space"
"Ok sure"I say as he disappears in the woods again.
I go near the lake.the reflection of the star struck sky baffled me so much. I knelt down slowly to touch the water. It was cold. The reflections disappeared as I touch the water and formed again. I bent down to touch it and suddenly my feet slips and I land in water.
"OOH MY GOD!" I yell as I fell into the depth.
I try to swim up but it was so dark and cold that it almost numbed me.
I continued trying when I heard another splash and a hand holding mine and leading me up.

I coughed as peter pulled me out and laid me on the rocks.
"Breath" he says brushing my hair back as I sit up.
I take out my wet jacket and get a hold of my breath.
"How did you land up in water?" He asks.
"I slipped, I'm sorry" I apologise as I shivered.
"It's allright"he says.
I sit there shivering for five minutes catching my breath .
"Can you walk?"he asks who was cold himself.
I nodded as I felt my hands go numb.
He helped me up as the water jeans stuck to my skin I felt cold rush through me but I walk anyway covering myself.
He lead me the corner of a huge rock and made me sit. It was like a cave but the star sky was visible from it's gate opening.
"It would be better if you'd take out your clothes" he said handing me a cloth.
"It's a blanket" he said through his own shiver.
Guilty I began to undress and  wrapped the blanket around . He took my clothes and spread them on the rock out side.
I still felt cold.
"I have to take out my clothes too" he said.
"Okay" I say through my teeth.
"I'll light fire first" he says and he grabs somethings from a dark corner and there was a light fire.
"I hope this warms  you up" he says as he begins to takes out his jacket and shirt.
I sit near the  fire taking care nothing was peeking.

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