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Next day I woke up in Robert's room. I wrapped his bedsheet around me and peeped out. Him and maid were in the kitchen doing their work and talking casually.
I closed the door and looked at the table which had my brush. I smiled thinking of how sometimes he cared beyond the lines.

I brushed and roamed the room wrapped in bedsheet. When he suddenly entered with toast and tea.
"Morning sunshine" he chirped.
He was in his fresh pair of shirt and jeans.
He kept the bed table and placed the breakfast properly.
"What about you?" I asked.
"I have you" he said wrapping me in his arms and kissing my neck.
"Seriously " I asked
"I'VE done it..I'm an early riser..can't help it" he pecked my lips.
"Ok" I caressed his chest.

I finished my breakfast while Robert checked on maid. I looked through his computer and found his pictures with Laura,  his first wife.
I looked through them. He smiled so brightly in each of them.
Robert closed his throat and I jumped up.
"I'm sorry" I say and he shakes his head.
"I don't mind unless you don't " he said lookin at the picture of him and his late wife then sittingon computer desk chair.,"it's not something under my control it's a part of me you see and I love each part of it." He said sounding a bit upset.
"She made you happy" I said., " I can see it in your eyes"
"She did" he looked at me pursing  his lips, "should I?" He asked to close it?"
"Oh sure" I said and he closed it.
I hugged him from behind and he kissed my hand.
He faced me and his head rested on my chest as I caressed his back.
He undid the knot and the bedsheet fell upto my waist.
"Bare skin helps more" he said.
"Really?" I asked amused and he smiled.
I hugged him sitting on his lap . We sat there like for few minutes when he pulled away.
"Wanna eat something?" He asks.
"I'm full" I say
"Well I want to"  he said and I get up.
When he holds hand  and pulls me to him. Grabbing my butts he takes my nipple in his mouth sucking on it. A feeling of warmth and pleasure flow down between my legs.
I caress his head as he sucked on my nipple.
"Come to bed " I say stepping back as the sheet falls making me completely naked.
We get inside and he lays down facing my chest . I hold his head on my hands as he takes his nipple in his warm mouth, sucking it.
His finger drowns itself in my wetness as I pull him and he licked and sucked like a. Baby.
He went to the other one and began sucking on it.
He pulled out his pants exposing his big hard member ready to play.
I climb above it and gently push it in.
"Oh baby"he moaned.
I began to bouce as he moaned.
"Is the maid gone?" I asked.
"No" he shook his head, " do it quietly " he says.
I begin slowly but seemed he was in a rush himself. He made me face against and pulled my one leg up and thrashing his dick inside from behind.
We were interrupted by a knock to which he rushed out wearing his jeans.
I bent down to make his pain lesser. He pushed his dick down my throat grabbing my hair and came inside as well.
"I'm gonna catch up" I said trying to get out of his hands which were massaging my breasts and left.

I studied till noon . It had been hours since Robert had disturbed me. I went down and saw him working on something in his laptop. He wore a specs as fiddled with keyboard. I quietly sat down and admired him.
I couldn't believe I pulled off a 39 year old man instead of guys my age who were still new and discovering the points which would pleasure a woman. My thoughts went to how he lifted my , parted my legs, pulled on my nipple, felt my skin under finger tips, chewed on my lips. I wet myself just thinking about  how he pressed me against the wall and did me.
He was focusing on something and that alone made me get up and sit on his lap.
"Ok?" He looked at me half amused and half confused
I lean in and he gently pulls me into a kiss. His hands caressed my back as I went deeper into kissing him.
His hands went down to my each thighs and he began caressing me to my hips.
I pulled back to look at him.
"That was delightful" he brushed my hair back and pecked me on the lips.
"Are you trying to mock me?"
"No" he chuckled, "appreciate you."
"No you just mocked me, like I am child who tried it's best to score good"
He tried to control his amusement.
"Fine"I got up.
"Vimi?" He holds my hand.
"I am not gonna come to you" I say, "You're going to come to me"
"Babe I always approach you first" his hands reached under my t shirt and he lined between my kitty lips making me go weak, "You're so..."his voice softens as he begins pressing my pussy, "irresistible "
I stepped back almost almost panting, "You'll see"

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