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Peter was shivering as he sat in his jeans.
"Why don't you take out your jean" I ask.
"One blanket is all I have" his teeth cluttering as he folded his big hands.
"You need to get rid of those clothes" I say shivering myself.
"You would have to share the blanket with me" he says.
"That's better than seeing you die" I say
He looks at me for a while then goes behind me
I hear him take out his jeans .
"I'm closing my eyes and entering the blanket" he announces as he comes behind me.
We sit wrapped  up in blanket just staring at the fire and feeling each other's body heat.
"So, do you sleep here often?" I ask.
"Twice a month" he says his breath warming my shoulder, "That's why I have a folding bed and a mattress just behind and some cooking utensils"
"You have something to eat?"
"I didn't know we would have to stay " he said, "I would have been prepares so just utensils."
"Ok" I say .
After few minutes I slowly begin to drift when my eyes opened again.
"I'll go and set up the bed" Peter says, "fire is going out anyways. "
I close my eyes as I feel sleepy.
My eyes opened when I felt a soft mattres  against me.
"Where am I?"I panicked.
"Just helping you lay on bed" peter says as I look around and see fire was almost out.
He gets in , "can I?" He asks.
I didn't know what he was asking and I could hardly see I just nodded and I felt his hand on back.
A shiver ran down my spine as my breasts pressed against his chest.
"It's small for two people" he says.
"Ok"I lay facing the ceiling but felt cold air on my waist so turned my back to him.
His body pressed against me and so did his thingy.
"If you're cold just tell me ok" he whispers and I nod .
I could feel his breath on my neck. My sleep was all gone given the position.
My front was still bold but back was all warmed up.
His hands touch my waist and I feel something warm up in me.
"I am sorry for this" he said.
"It's no one's fault"I ssaid.
He wraps his hand around my tummy . I face him as my chest was bruning due to coldness. He takes a deep breath.
"I'm cold"I whisper and presses me to him with his hand on waist.
"I'm sorry if somethings don't copperate"he says as I feel him get a bit hard against me.
But all I wanted was to  warm up. I push my hands to his back and we lay pressed against each other.
My body was reacting to his heat. My heart was racing and my body was warming up as breathed against each others lips..
His hands went down to hips and began caressing. 
I felt his warm lips take mine and I take his. His tongue go in my and I kiss it.
"Peter?" I say against his lips.
"Yes"he says as his hard member now slowly rubbing between my hot pussy slowly.
"I have someone back in city" I whisper.
"I have someone back in neighbouring village"he says as he takes my lips again.
"We shouldn't do this" I touch his shoulder as I wanted him to kiss me badly.
I turn my back to him as his hard hot member remained quiet but touched against my pussy opening from back.
I close my eyes as his hands cup my boobs from behind and his hot member rub against my wet hot flesh.
He lifted his head while he cupped my chin. He made my face turn to his and began kissing my lips hungrily. 
His dick begins to enter mine. He holds knes and lift it upas his dick enter deeper in me. He begins to sway against me. I lift my one leg up willingly as he smashed harder. His hand went down to pussy rubbing between it's wet lips.
I moaned against his mouth and he sat up exposing us to cold air and placing my legs on his shoulders . He pushed his dick in making me almost yell.
He holds my leg up as he smashed hard against pussy making me shake with pleasure. He comes face to face as he smashes me while I moan away.

He had cum on the ground. We lay quietly against one another after so much work.

We had come back to home and peter was down helping mum.
"I don't care if it doesn't  mean a thing to you or I'm just a fling to you" he had cupped my chin, " and I am never discussing this until you do and want more out of this. But let me just have this moment till you leave here" he begged and I nodded.
I walk to the kitchen.and see Peter's eyes almost eating me alive.
"I'll settle the table" she says leaving me and peter back.
"Ok pete..." but my lips were sealed with breathtaking kiss and finger twingling my kitty.
Mom comes back and he breaks the kiss but his fingers make it's finger in my panty to inside me from behind.
I try to push his hands but mum comes and I almost get anxiety as he was still rubbing his fingers between my clit making me want to moan.
"I'll call your father from the farm" she says and leaves us behind.
"Peter please" as his finger went deep inside me making me moan my words.
"Wow" he dirty smiles, "what a face" as he plunges his finger deeper.
I spread my legs as he fingers me admiring my each reacting he was causing.
Soon mum and dad came back and we were back to normal.

I was heavy with guilt and wanted to go back.
"Peter will leave you to station" mum said .
"It's ok"I say , "I'll call a cab"
"No cab comes here" she said, "did you forget?"
"No" I murmured.
It was a night train at 10 pm so I had to leave by 8.

"I am not forcing anything on you" peter says, " you have someone and I have someone"
"I know" I say.
"You never know I might be already when you come back again "he says
"Yeah" I say.
"So"his hand caresses my thighs, "don't think too much about it"
I push his hand away and he stops the car taking it in betwen the trees.
"I'LL be late"I say
"I can't let you go like this" he cups my face.
I look at his face and he was so close to me.
"I'll be fine" I say.
His amber eyes dipped deep into mine.my heart fluttered a li'll.  In that moment I realised there was a part that had felt for him too. That is why I came seeking back to hometown. It was him.
He gets out and opens my gate and bends down. His hands travel upto my waist touching my breasts from below.
"I'm fine" I say.
"I know something that would cheer you" he says making me get up and pushing me to lie down in  back seat.
"Peter" I say as he lifts my skirt up and panty down.
"Relax" he says as he runs his tongue betwen my pusy making me drip like a rain like never before in an instant.
"Oh god" I murmur.
He pushes leg apart as his tongue tastes my juice and he moans, "wow" and lift my hips for a better angle.
"Ohhh" I Moan as his tongue travels deeper in my hole .
He begins to suck on my juice as I almost send a shower down his throat as his tongue woggles my clitoris. 

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