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Day by day it was becoming harder and harder for me and Robert to keep hands off each other. We were so addicted to touching and having sex with each other that I was had mostly shifted into his room.
We were having sex everywhere. Every corner of the house.  Even the parking. Even if nothing he would secretly eat me, or suck on my boobs and I would give him blow jobs.
One morning I walked up to him with milk in my cup and he pushed up t shirt and began sucking on my nipple.
"I'd love to taste your milk" he Said licking my nipple.
" Did you ever think that you'd end with a girl this young" I ask sitting on his laps.
"I'm just 39" he says.
"And I'm 19" I say.
" so"
"When you were nineteen I was being born"
"But you aren't a baby, are you baby girl" he wrapped his hand around my waist and pushed his middle finger in me.
"No I'm not" I say resisting but I immediately dripped at his touch and he began rubbing my pussy.
"Stop it" I pushed his hand away.
"You wanna try dating guys your age?" He asked.
"If I wanted to I would have"
He chuckled.
"Okay that's disrespectful " I turn to him.
"Sorry" he apologised.
"No that's not alright" I say, " do you think I would have died alone if you weren't here"
"Ok ." He calmed himself, "i mean you never did, didn't you"
I couldn't believe the level it had dropped.
" you know what maybe I should try a guy my age" I walked out his bedroom.

"I'm going to visit mom" I say after a week of silence between us.
"Fine" he says calmly  and I leave.

My mom lived country side with her second husband who was a farmer but also a gentleman. He was loving and appreciative towards her. I've grown up under him since I was eight.

"Hey sweety" she welcomed me hugging me while my step father greeted me just nodding.
"Was the way too long" she asked.
"It took just five hours mom" I said, " I'm fine" .
We had dinner together that night and I realized how much I missed home. 
"Where's Peter." I ask.
Peter was the guy I had come looking for. He always had his eyes on me.
"To town, he'll be back by evening" she said.

To my surprise Peter had grown into one healthy well built man.When he looked at me He blushed.
"Where have you been?" He hugged me almost picking me in the air.
"Just college" I say, " What's up with you?"
"I manufacture my own dairy products now" he said.
"That's impressive" I say as we walk to the nearby orchard, "any mrs. On the way?"
He let out a laugh, " I have one in mind but I am gonna formally send my proposal to her next month"
"You really have grown up" I say.
He smiled as the sun almost set. We went to the stream behind orchard where we usually dipped our feet and sat.
"How many more year to complete graduation?"
" one more"I say dipping in my feet.
"Ok" he nods.
"So does the girl know you" I ask.
" she does but not in the way that I have feelings for her."
"Why did not tell her" I asked.
"I Don't know....i was scared of rejection"
I felt sorry for how I treated him when all he had was  to give me love.
"So where does she live?" I ask.
"The village ahead" he says and I nod.
"That's near" I say, "it is" he says.
"Let's go" I get up, "you must be hungry"
"I am not" he shakes his head, " I ate on the way, and mom knows I usually sleep in the tools room next to shed.
"You still like sleeping there?" I ask.
"It's warm and cozy" he said.
We sat there casually talking about our lives for an hour or two until it began getting cold.
He helped me up , "show me your shed room" I say.
"It's outside shed but next to it" he corrected.
"Just show me" 

He took me to a small wooden cabin like.
"Let me just turn on the lights " he said switching on hiss bed side table.
"Wow" I say . It wasn't something grand but nothing like I thought.

 It wasn't something grand but nothing like I thought

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"This is pretty much it" he says looking around.
"This isn't what I imagined" I say.
" what did you imagine then?" He tilted his head.
" grass, lamps, cows" I say and he burts into a laughter.
"Well sorry to disappoint you."
"It's not disappointing" I say sitting on bed, "it's more like I wanna stay here"
"So stay" he says.
"No I'd be scared." I mumbled.
"I'll be in the shed" he says.
"Ok you need to relax I didn't really mean it" I say and he blushed.

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