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"Damn, you look fucking hot!" Taylor booty bumped me as the two of us admired ourselves in the mirror.

"Thanks, Tay, you're a goddess." I giggled.

"I know." She flicked her hair.

The three of us were all getting ready in Belly's room for the party tonight. After a very interesting dinner - Cam Cameron kissed Belly on the lips in front of everyone just to prove something to Jeremiah - us girls rushed upstairs to do our makeup, and hair, and to find a cute outfit.

I picked out a pair of black straight-legged jeans that had rips on the knees and a light blue laced corset top. When picking this outfit and just now staring at myself in the mirror, I can't help but imagine what Jeremiah might see when he looks at me.

My brown hair was down and sort of a mess, but I didn't care. I decided to actually do my makeup as well, eyeshadow, eyeliner, lipstick, the whole works.

Am I trying to impress Jeremiah?


I can't stop thinking about his damn hands on my thighs. I can't stop thinking if he did it on accident or if it was intentional.

All I need is a few deep breaths and a drink or two.

"Bells, you look stunning." I awed as Taylor finished up her makeup. She wore the biggest smile on her face.

"Zero clumps. I'm a genius!" Taylor admired her work.

"Well, how about we meet the boys so we can all go to the party." I offered, about to put on my high-top Converse to head downstairs.

"Uh, actually, Cam is going to drive us, I figured you wanted to ride with Jeremiah so..." Belly traveled off trying to fight back a grin.

I rolled my eyes, but she was right.

"Yeah, you have to tell me what's going on between the two of you. I thought you swore off all boys." Taylor stated, reminding me once again of the promise I made to myself.

Just thinking about that promise and Jeremiah made my heart sink.

"Jeremiah and I are just friends." Saying it out loud is not even helping me anymore.

"Rowan, you sound delulu."

I started to put on my shoes to distract myself, but the two of them kept going in on me.

"That is what I have been saying! Have you told him?" I could feel Belly's eyes burning into the side of my head.

"No, but I will. Now come on already. I bet Jeremiah won't even look at me when we walk down the stairs."

The two girls laughed while following me downstairs.

We entered the kitchen, saying a quick goodbye to Laurel and Susannah who told us that the boys were waiting outside for us.

As bad as I want Jeremiah to look at me, I don't want him to so I can say I told you so to Belly and Taylor.

The three of us walked outside, only Jeremiah and Cam were out there by the pool. He was wearing yet another Hawaiian button-down shirt. The two of them were in a conversation, but it was soon cut off because Jeremiah's eyes immediately met my own. I watched as he scanned my body just like he did earlier.


He didn't just stare at me. He freaking wowed me.


"Nice try." Taylor patted my shoulder which caused Jeremiah to break free from his trance.

Before the situation escalated into more awkwardness, Cam went over to Belly and asked if she and Taylor were ready.

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