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My dress clings tight against my body as my mom and I walk into the freezing cold house. I had calmed down from the little moment I had in the ocean, but I could not keep my heart rate down knowing that Belly and I had to have a conversation now.

I decided on the way back that it was best for me to forgive her. And that's exactly what I'm going to do after I get out of my sopping-wet clothes and take a shower.

Nobody is in the kitchen or living room so I beeline straight for the stairs and to the shower. I can not wait another second to get out of my clothes that I don't bother grabbing something to change into.

My entire body is covered in goosebumps as I wait for the water to warm up. Once it's warm, I step in and let the steamy water roll down my body.

I absolutely love after-swimming showers. There's nothing better than being freezing cold and then physically feeling the goosebumps disappear from the scalding hot water.

My shower isn't too long and after I dry off and wrap myself in a towel. I open the bathroom door and with my luck, Jeremiah is heading out of his room at the exact same time.

Our eyes meet almost immediately and before I can say anything first, Jeremiah clears his throat.

"Hey, I didn't realize you were back." He says as I watch his eyes drift to my chest, which is loosely covered by my towel, and then back to my eyes. I notice his cheeks turn the lightest shade of pink.

This shouldn't be awkward, but I feel like I'm making this entire situation awkward. I shouldn't be embarrassed by my confession last night, but for some reason I am. He now holds a very vulnerable version of myself in his hands and I don't know how to process that.

I could tell he was trying to make everything normal this morning, just like how it used to be before we kissed. I really want things to go back to normal as well, but I don't know how. We literally kissed and haven't acknowledged it fully.

"Yeah, we just got back not too long ago. I actually surprised my mom by walking into the ocean and showing her that I can swim now." I say which causes Jeremiah to smile brightly.

"Now I'll have to teach you how to surf." He crosses his arms and leans against his door frame. I copy his move by leaning against the bathroom door, completely disregarding the fact that I am in just a towel.

"We'll see about that, Fisher." The corners of my mouth turn up and without even thinking, I wink at him.

I mother fucking winked at him.

Jeremiah looks down at the ground, just grinning, but doesn't say anything.

"What?" I chuckle as warmth begins to creep up onto my cheeks.

He shakes his head, still smiling, then looks up at me. "It's nothing, I'm just happy."

"Well, congratulations." I say stupidly which causes Jeremiah to flip me off while letting out a hearty laugh

"Shut up, I'm serious."

"I know, I just missed giving you a hard time." All the awkwardness that I was feeling before completely washed away.

Jeremiah nods his head and then stands up straight. "Well, I'll let you get dressed before you start giving something else a hard time." He jokes, but at the same time is half serious.

I almost choke on my own spit as I try to stifle my laugh. This time I stand up straight and with my free hand, I shove Jeremiah's shoulder slightly before walking over to my bedroom.

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