Chapter 1: Traditions

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The stairwell was quiet. The only sound that could be heard was the light footsteps of four individuals as they ascended up each never-ending step. Their whispered shushes quickly grew into heavy breathing as they struggled to contain their laughter. Each of them pushing the other lightly, as if playfully challenging to give away the other's location.

When the group finally arrived at the top of the stairs, one of the individuals grabbed hold of the main door and swung it open to reveal a large, open-spaced rooftop. Everyone quickly shut the door and found their desired location to sit down as they enjoyed each other's company. The only visible light was coming from the recessed floor lights and faint stars in the sky, dimmed by artificial light pollution from the bustling city below.

One of the individuals, named Kan, spoke up for the first time since they arrived.

"Did you bring the snacks, Akk?" Kan softly asks.

"Of course. This isn't my first time sneaking up here with you all," Akk smiles while unzipping a large backpack filled with various treats, proudly showing his friends his extensive stash.

Wat, one of the other friends in the group, speedily shoves his hand into the backpack and grabs a pack of chips that would soon be devoured by his rumbling stomach.

There's momentary silence between the group as they get situated into their unspoken, assigned areas. Wat was sitting on a dark blue bean bag chair, eating his chips. Kan was lying on his back with his arms folded behind his head, staring directly at the stars. Akk was sitting on an outdoor sofa with one of his legs touching the ground while the other was folded on top of the other. His upper body was relaxed as he leaned against the cushions. Ayan was the last to sit down as he found the perfect spot beside Akk on the sofa. He was holding a guitar in his arms while lightly plucking the strings and humming to his own melody.

This was a tradition for the group. They would often come up to the rooftop of their high school at night to hang out. From talking about the problems in their lives, celebrating new wins, to simply hanging out and listening to relaxing music—usually at the courtesy of Ayan, they enjoy spending time together.

"So, why did you ask us to meet up tonight, Aye? We usually hang out on the rooftop on Fridays," Akk questions.

Ayan's fingers immediately stop strumming his guitar. His expression stiffens and his body lightly shivers from nervousness. He was visibly on edge from hearing this question.

"There's something I've been meaning to tell you all..." Ayan pauses, struggling to get the words out of his mouth. He places his guitar against the couch. Clearing his throat, he tries his best to maintain eye contact with Kan and Wat but finds it especially challenging to look at Akk, only giving short, side glances to the taller friend sitting on the shared couch.

"It's my uncle. His condition is getting worse," Ayan admits.

"Are the doctor's still figuring out what's going on with him?" Wat asks.

"That's the thing, they finally have a diagnosis...but now he needs treatment," Ayan replies.

"When is he planning to get treated?" Akk questions.

"Next month," Ayan reveals. His eyes widen briefly toward Akk before they move to gaze absent-mindedly at the floor.

"That's good news, isn't it? The sooner the better but why do you look so...disheartened?" Wat says.

Ayan shifts in his seat awkwardly, as if he could never find a comfortable way of sitting to make him confident enough for this conversation.

"Since his disease is so rare, we've been told there are no available medical procedures to support his condition within the country. The closest research center the U.S." Ayan explains.

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