Ch 7: Third Wheeling

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The bowling alley buzzed with laughter while the rhythmic clatter of pins knocked down with each hit. Ayan, Keo, and Akk found themselves entangled in a game of strikes and spares, a seemingly innocent evening that would unravel into a complex web of emotions.

Ayan, ever the peacemaker, had insisted on bowling night, a chance for Akk to get to know Keo better. However, Akk dreaded the idea of spending more time with these newly formed love birds than necessary.

Ever since Ayan's return, he constantly brought Keo into everything the group did. From their general walks through the city to their group's weekly rooftop hangouts, Akk grew tired of Keo's never-ending presence.

He couldn't escape the ache growing in his chest every time he saw them together. Having spent countless days witnessing Ayan and Keo flirting, stealing sweet glances, and finding any chance to remind Akk that Ayan could never return his feelings, it was his personal hell.

Akk knew the pain he was in for today. He understood he'd be walking into another situation where he'd be a third wheel in the delicate dance of Ayan and Keo's romance. There was nothing he could do but put on a fake smile and get through the night as best as he could.

The bowling lanes were alive with energy, the neon lights casting vibrant patterns on the polished floor. Ayan and Keo laughed and teased each other as they selected their bowling balls. Akk couldn't help but feel a burst of jealousy as he observed the ease with which they shared playful banter, adding to the tangled mess of emotions churning within him.

When it was Akk's turn to bowl, he approached the rack of balls, intent on the game but distracted by the sweet exchanges between Ayan and Keo. The laughter that echoed between them was both a melody and a discordant note in Akk's ears.

He reached for a bowling ball, his focus waning as he unconsciously became an observer in their display of affection. Just as he was about to grab the ball, a loud crash from the dispensing machine stole everyone's attention.

Akk's hand had gotten caught between two bowling balls clanging against each other.

He yelped in pain, grabbing tightly to his hand.

Ayan rushed to Akk's side, concern growing on his face. "Akk, are you okay?"

He winced, cradling his injured hand. "Yeah, I just got distracted. I'll be fine."

Ayan fetched a bag of ice, his touch gentle as he pressed it against Akk's injured hand.

Akk lost himself in the gesture, an overwhelming feeling of excitement and love blooming in his heart as he watched. Ayan has always been so thoughtful with Akk, handling his emotions and being with care. No wonder he fell in love with him.

Akk snaps himself back to reality. He immediately stopped looking after remembering where he was.

He kept trying to remind himself, "What are you doing? Stop it."

Ayan looks fondly at Akk again, feeding into his delusions. Why does he have to be so sweet?

"You're just friends. He's with Keo...with...Keo" He could feel his heart shattering repeating those words in his mind.

The concern in Ayan's eyes made him feel special, as if Ayan was his. He wanted to cry because the reality was different. He felt insane. Wished he could go home and forget all of this mental torture. The worst part, it was all Akk's fault for thinking this way.

The trio decided to grab dinner at a nearby restaurant after their bowling adventure. As they settled into a booth, the atmosphere seemed light, but an underlying tension lingered beneath the surface. Akk's attempts to engage in the conversation were met with fleeting smiles and distracted glances between Ayan and Keo.

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