Chapter 10: My Silent Heart Cries for You

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– Eight months ago (Mes' POV) –

Mes initially approached Akk because he believed he was a hardworking and intelligent student. Recognizing the importance of surrounding himself with like-minded individuals for academic success, Mes saw in Akk someone who shared similar goals. Little did he know that Akk would evolve into someone he genuinely cares about, becoming one of his closest friends in university.

At this moment, that diligent student was drunk out of his mind and making a mess everywhere he went.

"Akk. Come on. Walk properly, please!" Mes grunts. "Damn, you're heavy."

Akk giggles, his head struggles to stay upright. Mes was half-dragging, half-carrying the inebriated Akk towards his apartment. His limbs seemed to have taken a life of their own, making the journey more of a stumble than a walk.

They had spent the night hanging out at the local bar near their university with Kan and Wat. Akk had been feeling especially down today since Ayan couldn't answer his call. He was caught up in a meeting for a group project so he let Akk know he couldn't talk much. Despite Akk telling his friends he'd be fine, he kept to himself and swallowed down any shot he could get his hands on.

Mes ended up being the one to take Akk home as Kan and Wat lived in the opposite direction.

When they finally made it to Akk's apartment, Mes juggled between keeping the taller friend from falling flat on his face while skillfully unlocking the door.

As Mes settled Akk onto the bed, he couldn't ignore the sudden shift in his friend's demeanor.

Akk erupted into laughter, his body wriggling uncontrollably as he spouted a stream of random, incoherent gibberish.

Mes observed his amusing antics, feeling a little mischievous, he decided to capture this moment on video. He pulls out his phone, secretly relishing in the idea of sharing the footage with Akk the next day.

He presses the record button and aims the camera towards the intoxicated friend, "Akk, look over here, buddy! Can you see me?" Mes chuckles.

"Yes! I'm Akk." Akk shouts while throwing his hands in the air to wave adorably aggressively at the camera.

"That's right. How does Akk feel right now?"

"Fantastic! Woo hoo!"

"Pfft—" Mes snorts, "Do you recognize me?"

"Hm...Oh! Yes." Akk stares intensely at Mes before smiling and yelling out, "I know exactly who you favorite person in the whole world. I love you!"

Mes' fingers jolt in surprise. "Is that so?"

"Yes! I love you..."

Mes begins to laugh but feels his palms grow sweaty from the drunken announcement. Yet, he's still happy to be in Akk's presence to enjoy the silliness of the situation.

"Of course..." Akk's eyes begin to close into happy crescents and his head turns into the pillow with drowsiness, "I love you so much... Aye."

Mes feels an uncomfortable tightness in his chest. He hesitates for a brief moment before ending the recording.

The mood took an unexpected turn. Akk, lost in the haze of alcohol, suddenly mistook Mes for Ayan. Mes listened in stunned silence as Akk poured out his heart, confessing his love for Ayan over and over again in silent whispers. Mes watched as Akk slowly fell to sleep before taking his leave.

All this time, Mes knew how Akk felt about Ayan but didn't realize how deep these feelings ran. For some reason, hearing these sentiments expressed so directly irked him. He couldn't pinpoint the cause, but knew hearing Ayan's name annoyed him. On the walk back to his home, he continued thinking deeper about his feelings.

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