Chapter 6: Time is...

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Time is a bitch.

It had been more than a year since Ayan left for the United States, leaving behind a void that no amount of messages or virtual calls could fill. Memories through the vessels of their shared photos and the hope that one day they would all be reunited was all Akk and their friend group had to keep going. He found solace in the notion that Ayan's return would bring back the comfort he so desperately craved.

Ayan's uncle's health had improved, but the promise of his return remained elusive. As the days turned into months, and months into over half a year more than the initially promised date, Akk was losing hope.

While they talked occasionally, something changed between them after that night. Akk desperately hoped they'd go back to talking more frequently than this, but there were only flashes. Short text responses were almost like a reward for him.

The anticipation of awaiting Ayan's presence both virtually and physically grows more and more every day.

Maybe Akk was getting a taste of his own medicine.

The look of disappointment on his face bloomed every time he opened his phone to a screen that screamed "no messages." It felt like he was being mocked, as if his phone wanted to actually say, "at this point, just turn me off."

Ayan had relied on speaking with Akk primarily through their friend group chat.

Akk tried to think nothing of it. "Of course, Ayan is busy. He's dealt with so much lately. He can't always have time for you. Don't be selfish, Akk." He tells himself.

It's like he's a lonely husband, waiting for his partner to come back home from work. Except, it felt like his partner would never return.

Ayan's messages had become more sporadic, his reasons for staying abroad growing more mysterious with each passing conversation.

Sometimes, Akk would even catch himself creepily stalking Ayan's social media pages to taste a crumb of his friend's existence.

But something is different lately. He notices something new in Ayan's posts these past few months.

There's always the same, faceless person alongside him, featured in his photos.

"Who is he," Akk wonders, "a friend of Aye's?"

He grew jealous, wishing he were the person in the photos with Aye instead of them. Whether they were drinking sweet tea at a cafe together, exploring the local forest areas or enjoying fun rides at the amusement park, Akk became regretful with each scroll on Ayan's page. He wants him back.

Time is unforgiving.

Then, like a flicker of light in the darkness, a message arrived. Akk, Wat and Kan were surprised by the notification.

"Hey, maybe for our next group call, you guys should show me the view from the rooftop. I'm curious to see what it looks like now..." Ayan announces.

His words were tantalizingly vague, hinting at something without explicitly stating his intentions. None of them could decipher the true meaning behind the message, but the excitement and anticipation were undeniable.

As they gathered on the rooftop of their high school that night, the air buzzed with a mixture of nerves and excitement. The familiar lights twinkled below, casting a nostalgic glow on the scene.

Akk, Kan, Wat, and their partners, Thua and Mimi each found a place to sit down. Kan pulled out his phone and placed it against the wall and a table, angling it just right to show all five friends in the same frame before calling Ayan.

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