Chapter 2: Getting Used to Life Without the Sun

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It's been roughly five months since Ayan left but Akk couldn't stop thinking about him.

He desperately hoped to grow accustomed to life without his shortstop by his side but the time apart never stopped hurting. Sure, they call and video chat frequently but there's something different about seeing someone in person versus through a digital screen.

It was especially challenging as Akk was trying his best to navigate his first year in university without his favorite person with him. He misses having front row seats to Ayan's kindness, his laughter, and his annoyingly adorable, cheeky personality. Now, there's a whopping 8,000 mile distance between them. It truly felt like a piece of him was missing and there was nothing he could do. But Akk knows he needs to be strong for Ayan, as he's still taking care of his uncle during this time.


Soft laughter and smiles were loud enough to occupy the space of the darkly lit room. Only the light shining from a single phone screen was helping to make Akk's presence visible in this space. Akk and Ayan are chatting together, feeling connected yet so far from the other.

Ayan was in the middle of telling Akk one of his disastrous class project stories.

"And the craziest thing was...we were in the same Google doc. I saw him literally copy and paste my work...then tell me that I needed to participate in the assignment."

"What the hell! That's so lame. Doesn't he realize you could just go in and see everyone's process in the 'history feature?'"

"Apparently not. The only functions he knows are CTRL+C and CTRL+V," Ayan jokes.

"Man, group projects suck sometimes." Akk responds with empathy.

"Yeah they are. I hope there's no more for the rest of my time in uni," Ayan rants but quickly takes a look at his watch. His eyes raise in shock.

"Shit! Hey, Akk. I'm sorry. I gotta get to class now, wish me luck on this presentation."

"Good luck, Aye." His eyes grow serious "Make sure you participate in the presentation. Don't leave your group hanging," Akk then begins to burst out laughing.

"Screw you. Haha! Goodnight, Akk" Ayan whispers through the phone.

"Don't get into trouble today, Aye" Akk smiles.

"No promises on that."

They both smile peacefully for a moment before returning to their separate realities.

Akk's smile remains until the person on the other end of the line hangs up to rush to his classes for the morning. Akk sighs heavily as his head falls dramatically onto his pillows. He lifts his phone above his face and begins scrolling through an endless array of old photos of him and Ayan while his eyes drooped with sadness.

Before he could slide his thumb toward the left side of his screen to scan for the next picture, the door to his room swung wide open and his lights suddenly turned on, blinding him. Out of concern, he immediately sits up to see the cause of this unwarranted announcement.

Kan and Wat storm into the room and make their way towards Akk's bed, staring directly at him.

"Dude, it's time to get up," Kan declares.

"What? How did you—" Akk is in the middle of asking his question when Wat interrupts him.

"Spare key. Anyways, listen. You've been a wreck since Ayan left and it's getting painful to watch. You need to get out and enjoy your life," Wat demands.

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