Chapter 9: MESsing With You

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Akk feels like his lungs are submerged in water, refusing to let him breathe.

Sitting angrily in the taxi, he contemplates his next move on the way to Mes' home. Thousands of scenarios scan through his mind for how he'll react to seeing him.

How could Akk have been so stupid?

Mes, the person he entrusted with his secret, used that same secret to stab him in the back. He tried thinking of reasons to justify his actions but nothing could explain the need to lie about something like this.

It left Akk feeling used.

When he finally arrived at the home, the night air became fueled by heavy tension. Akk stormed through the dimly lit streets, energized by a mix of anger, confusion, and hurt.

He's visited Mes' place several times before, as it was conveniently just a couple of blocks away from Akk's apartment. However, this time, his visit wouldn't be as friendly.

Reaching Mes' doorstep, Akk pounded on the wooden frame with a sense of urgency. The door swung open, revealing Mes, his expression showing pure confusion with a hint of trepidation.

"Akk? What are you—"

Akk wasted no time, his words sharp and accusatory.

"What the hell, Mes? Why did you tell Ayan that we were dating? How could you hide this from me for so long?" His voice trembled with barely contained rage.

"What do you mean, didn't you want him to think that? I thought it was all part of the plan..." Mes says, answering with obvious confusion.

"Don't play dumb with me, Mes. I'm talking about that phone call you had with Ayan." Akk says, his voice echoing in the quiet neighborhood, " The one you told me 'not to worry about.'

Mes stammers out, "Akk, I'm sorry. I never meant for things to go this far. I just didn't know how to handle my own feelings."

Akk, pacing on the front doorstep, shot back, "Your feelings? What about mine? Mes, I trusted you! You knew how I felt about Ayan and sabotaged any chance I had to tell him the truth!"

Mes, his eyes downcast, finally admits, "I don't know why I did it but... every time I saw you two growing closer, I couldn't bring myself to stay still and watch. I thought maybe, just maybe, something might happen between us."

Akk's frustration turned to heartbreak. "So you played with my feelings and Ayan's just because you wanted a shot with me? Do you know how messed up that is?"

Letting his mask fall slowly, Mes says something that sends daggers through Akk's veins.

Folding his arms, Mes comments, "Let's be honest here, were you actually ever planning to share your feelings for him? You spent all this time so afraid to ruin things but maybe deep down you know he doesn't feel the same."

Akk was speechless, barely able to utter the words, "What...the fuck?"

"Can't you see it, Akk? Obviously he doesn't feel the same way about you! He easily found someone he actually likes and is dating them now. When will you realize he doesn't see you the same way I do? I'm here confessing my feelings while Ayan just sees you as a friend."

Like a clap of thunder, Akk palmed the side of Mes' face, leaving a mark so red that blood could flood out. He almost saw smoke lines rising from the receiver's cheek.

Akk shuts his eyes for a moment, squeezing them tightly as he tries to prevent himself from doing something more than he might regret later.

"That may be true but at least things would have been on my terms. You didn't even give me that option. You took it away!"

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