Chapter 11: The Truth

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Akk laid in his bed with bloodshot eyes and a dazed look on his face. His lids grew tender from the constant crying he experienced these past several nights. Left alone with his thoughts, he kept replaying the events from his last conversation with Ayan.

He feels his heart grow heavy at the realization he's hurt him. It pained Akk just as much seeing the look of disappointment and betrayal on Ayan's face.

He's stupid for thinking such an impulsive "plan" would work. Now he's left waiting for Ayan— hoping he'll reach out.

Sadly, besides the brief messages Kan and Wat would send, Akk's phone was silent— it was agonizing. It was almost worse than the time he spent waiting for Ayan to come back from the U.S. This time, there was no guarantee of a return and that terrified Akk.

When he's finally about to close his eyes and sleep, his bedroom door swings wide open. A booming sound erupts as the frame slams against Akk's wall.

The dark shape of two figures can barely be seen. Before Akk can make guesses as to what's happening, the lights to his room turn on, blinding him.

As the two figures come closer, looming over his bed, their identities become increasingly obvious: it's Kan and Wat.

"Akk, what's going on with you lately?" Wat asks.

Akk sighs nervously, "It seems everyone wants to know something from me..." He begrudgingly sits up and faces the two friends, laying his backside to the pillows against the headboard.

"We're really worried about you," Kan explains.

"Huh? Why...?"

"Look at you. Your eyes are red, you haven't been showing up to the lectures all week...Aye's not telling us anything either..." Kan elaborates, "Actually, ever since he came back, you've been...different. You don't seem like yourself."

Akk, currently sitting upright, feels his body slump forward. He stares emptily at his hands as he tries to think of a way to stop their suspicions. But he's too tired. He can't fight for much longer.

He doesn't even realize more than five minutes have passed since Wat asked his question. The two friend's worries expanded with each empty breath.

"Is...everything alright?" Wat questioned.

That does it.

Akk loses himself. He sobs into the palms of his hands, attempting to hide his emotions from his friends but fails. Kan and Wat do their best to support him by offering soft pats and comforting words. It's barely working.

Akk, now composed, reveals everything: the fight with Ayan, his situation with Mes, and the overwhelming confusion that has enveloped him.

"I know what I need to do but I'm terrified. What if he hates me now?" Akk confesses.

Kan smiles softly while continuing to gently pat Akk's back. "Aye would never hate you. Of course, he's probably confused considering the complexity of this situation but...he cares about you."

Glancing back and forth between both friends, Akk continues to explain his fears. "I worry because...I lied to him for so long about everything."

Wat's voice echoes a gentle sternness, "Then, you need to take the first step and explain yourself. Tell him the truth, don't keep any more secrets. Show him you're ready to be here." He cares for Akk but wants him to understand the consequences of this bad habit.

Offering a similar sentiment, Kan shakes his head in agreement. "As scary as it sounds, Wat's right. Your only option is to stop running away from the conversation. If you really care for Ayan and he cares for you, there needs to be open communication."

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