Chapter 8: The Beach Episode

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Akk was elated to hang out with Ayan one-on-one today, but after leaving suspiciously early into their double date last week, he was nervous.

He needed time to prepare himself so he asked to meet Ayan a couple weeks later than the proposed date Ayan gave him.

He made up excuses that there were projects he needed to catch up on and anything that would convince Ayan that he wasn't mentally freaking out.

Thousands of thoughts raced through his mind leading up to tonight.

He didn't have much time to think now as Ayan arrived at his front door. The two friends greeted each other before making their way into Ayan's car.

"You're looking quite nice today," Ayan comments. He lightly plays with the collar of Akk's dark-colored shirt, causing him to shiver in response. The material was flowy and covered in images of various tropical flowers.

Akk pulls Ayan's hand away from his neck and shifts in the seat nervously, afraid to look directly into Ayan's eyes. "Oh...thanks. Mes helped me pick it out." He goes back to staring aimlessly at the random patterns etched on Ayan's leather steering wheel.

Ayan pays no mind to Akk's awkwardness and just smiles happily watching his friend fidgeting.

"Seatbelt?" Ayan simply questions.

Akk glances back at Ayan confused. "W...what?"

"Your seatbelt. Here...let me." Before Akk could decline, Ayan's body had already crossed onto his and grabbed the synthetic material, pulling it close to himself.

There was nowhere else to look, Ayan was everywhere. Akk was even surrounded by Ayan's light yet dominant cologne as it filled his senses. Those moles he often fantasized about, occupied his space and left him breathless. Akk swallowed his pride and stared directly into Ayan's eyes as he watched his friend grab the seat belt and click it into place.

Ayan returns to his seat and buckles himself as well.

Akk, unable to process what just happened tries to begin a new conversation, "So...where are we off to?"

"You'll see" Ayan whispers playfully in Akk's ears and turns the car on.

They drove to a quiet beach town ten minutes away from the city. In the area, alongside the ocean view, was their favorite noodle shop—a place filled with bright memories of celebrations and late-night talks. This spot held a special significance for them, a secret oasis.

The two had stumbled upon this town one day after school, seeking refuge from Kan and Wat's overwhelmingly hectic adventures. Since then, whenever they craved time alone, this was their go-to destination.

The food itself wasn't of the best quality but the people and location made it unforgettable.

During the day, they enjoyed light-hearted talks about their life and reminiscing on fond memories as they explored the area's local shops and fascinating tide pools.

Akk's dormant feelings lay under a tight grip by his fear of being discovered. Still, he gave himself opportunities to stare at Ayan longer than acceptable, hoping to satiate any desires to scream out his true feelings.

As the sun made its way against the horizon, the two began their tradition of walking alongside the beach's shore while gazing at the bright stars above. They sparkled against the contrasting dark sky, a view made especially for them tonight.

Things were silent for a while as they slowly strolled along the soft sand. The salty sprays from the ocean kissed their toes with each passing step. At one point, they found a spot to comfortably rest and stare into the vast ocean space.

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