Chapter 10 - Graduation

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Dan's POV

I continued to see Phil daily for about two weeks. Though some days were too difficult, and he skipped eating every once in a while, he seemed better. We went through two more weigh ins, both of which he had gained something, at least a little. He seemed a bit less broken each time. Beth was is disbelief, and even had the scale checked to be sure. Mrs. Grace asked me how he was frequently, and I always told her the same thing: better.

The days leading to my mother's death anniversary were nearer and nearer, but I found something odd – my arms were clearing. Well, no. Not clearing, but I had stopped hurting them. Er, done a lot less. I was spending so much time with Phil, that I... per say, forgot. I still have death notes in my school bag. I've been meaning to clean that out.

I was graduating school tonight. High school was finally over. I had actually finished. I sat in the rows of graduates, waiting to be called. People looked at me weird. I had a long sleeve shirt under my cap and gown.

"Margret Howard," the intercom announced, going down the list of names. I wasn't excited. Nobody was there to see me. "Daniel Howell."

I stood up to get my degree, looking at each face in the audience. Most teachers usually didn't come to see their students graduate, for whatever reason. But there she was: Mrs. Grace, in maybe the fourth row or so of people, smiling at me. I didn't expect her there. Beside her was her sister, Beth, and to her other side was a thin, pale boy with his dark, black hair, waving and smiling. My eyes were opened wide. I shook hands with the professor handing out degrees, and quickly sat down.

He came, I thought. Phil came to my graduation? I was smiling so much. I had never felt so appreciated. As soon as we were finished and the students were released, instead of running around to say goodbye to my old friends, (which I didn't have), I ran to find him.

"Phil?" I called. He came running, Beth and Mrs. Grace behind. He had a much more human-like type of energy now. He'd been eating much more. I was so proud of him.

"Dan," he smiled, hugging me. "I'm so proud of you! You finished school!"

"I had no idea you'd be here!" I exclaimed. "How did you even...."

"I brought him," Beth explained.

"Thank you so much," I said, my voice a bit weak. "I... I don't know what to say. No one's ever done something like that. I didn't think anyone was going to come."

Phil looked back, then to me and smiled, seeming to be happier in his skin. "Well, we did."

I hugged him, and Beth and Mrs. Grace hugged us in a massive group hug. I wanted to cry. Phil rested his head on my shoulder before we pulled apart.

"Well," Beth sighed. "Should we go back to the center?"

Phil nodded and gently – aware that my arms were still in continuous pain – held my wrist. "Come with us," he suggested. "We have something for you."

"For me?"

He nodded. "Come on!"

We arrived soon, and in Phil's room, was a banner stretched across the back wall, reading "Congratulations Dan!"

"You did this for me?"

"Yeah," he nodded. "A-and here," he said, handing me a small gift box. I looked down at it, and back to him, slowly taking it from his thin hands. "I got you something. I wasn't sure if you'd like it though...."

I pulled the top off the box. Inside was a black, rubber wrist band, my name in white letters going across it. I picked it up and examined it.

"I know its kinda cheesy," Phil stuttered nervously, "but I got one too." He held up his wrist and showed me the same black band with white letters, spelling out his name. It fit loosely on him. "Uh, do you like it?"

I smiled. It was precious of him to get me friendship bracelets. I put it on. "Of course I do," I said. "I love it. Thank you."

He looked happy with that.

Phil's POV

I was worried Dan wouldn't like the gift I got him. I didn't assume he would be the one to like bracelets, but it was the best thing I could think of. Knowing that he has hard times, it must mean a lot to be able to finish school. I was proud of him for doing so, and wanted to get him something to celebrate. I had to finish school online, being in rehab for so long.

Beth and Dan's teacher congratulated him, and let themselves out. Dan sat down, playing with the bracelet, adjusting it so it fit properly. Mine was too loose. I was worried it'd fall off my skinny wrist.

"You didn't have to get me anything, Phil," he said.

"I just... wanted to congratulate you."

"It's really nice."

"Its just a wrist band, Dan." I smiled with him, coming to sit not across from him, but next to him, pushing my chair closer to his side.

"It means a lot."



I wanted to ask why, but I remembered. His arms. I hadn't even thought of that. I became a bit more serious, and touched the bracelet on his wrist. "Dan, can I... see?"

"See? See what?"

I gently tugged on the sleeve of his shirt, hoping he'd understand.

"Oh," he sighed. He slowly rolled up the black sleeve for me. "I don't show people this," he said. "I trust you." I hesitated, but very gently touched one, then another. He seemed ok with it. They were everywhere; deep and dark red. Some had scabs surrounded by dried blood, like they were reopened often. Some were old and some were fresh. I found what seemed to be the most recent, but didn't touch it. 

"I didn't know," I whispered, unable to use my full voice, "it was so bad."

He didn't say anything.

I looked at him. His head was dipped down shamefully. I wrung my arms over his shoulders. "It's ok," I said. I got up and went into one of the cabinets in the bathroom.

"What are you doing?"

I returned with a tube of cream, used for small cuts and wounds to prevent infection and speed up healing. I sat by him again and layered a dab on my fingers. I ran it up his arms, making sure it got into each cut. I finished, and pulled down his sleeves for him. "I hope that helps," I said, closing the medicine and leaving it on the side of the table.

Dan didn't sound well. He couldn't speak, like there was a lump in his throat. He nodded. "Thanks, Phil." My heart hurt. He looked so grateful, like he was going to cry. I hadn't realized how close we were sitting. He bit his lip. "No one's... ever done that. I just... I never wanted...." He seemed to be having a hard time speaking.

I felt it. I wasn't so sure if he did, but I know I did. My blood shook nervously. "Well," I tired to say. "You've done a lot for me. I wanted to do something for you."

His eyes were incredibly close to me. His face was close. Next thing I knew, his eyes were closed. His nose was touching mine, and he was kissing me. My eyes were wide.

Dan pulled off quickly, looking awfully nervous. "Oh my God," he said shocked at himself, his hands covering his mouth. "Oh my God, no. No, I'm sorry. No! I-I...."

"Dan," I said, hoping to calm him down.

"No, no, I need to go. No. I-I'm so sorry. Oh my God," he stood up, taking his things. "I need to go."

"Dan, wait! Can't we talk about this?"

"No. I'm leaving. I'm so sorry."

"Wait!" I said, running and blocking the door. "Don't leave! A-are you coming back?"

He didn't answer at first. He was completely frenzied and wrecked. He pushed his hair back, and nodded. "Yes, I'll come back. Don't worry. But I can't do this right now. I have to go. I'm sorry."

Dan carefully pushed me to the side and let himself out.

I sighed, watching him leave. A smile crept up my cheeks. He kissed me, I thought.

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