Chapter 16 - Ice Cream

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Dan's POV

I woke up in Phil's bed early in the morning with him snuggled under my arm. I tiredly smiled and yawned. He woke up soon after. Beth, of course didn't come in for a while, but I was smart, and had gotten myself up and dressed by then. I told her I snuck in early to see Phil. She told me to let her know first and not to do that again. I told her I would. Phil snickered.

I stayed close to Phil all day. More confident in himself than ever, he ate breakfast easily and without letting me worry. He smiled a lot. His body looked healthy. We decided to go out for a while to be alone. It was warm, and my long sleeves were not helping. Phil had me change shirts into one of his short sleeves. I was reluctant, and didn't want people to see my arms. Phil ran to his bathroom and pulled out his first aid kit and sat me down. He cleaned out the cuts that were still open and put medicine over them, and cocoa butter over the closed ones.

"Cocoa butter helps to heal scars," he explained.

I already knew that. Someone had told me before. 

Phil then pulled out two wound bandages, and wrapped both my arms up in them. "That should help," he declared. I was worried somebody would ask about the bandages, but I accepted it.

Phil and I went out, and I admit, it felt great not to be wearing long sleeves. He held my hand, and every once in a while, touched my arms reassuringly. I brought him to a place I used to like going to when I was young – a place my mother would take me. At first, I wasn't sure if it'd be so nice to bring him here, but now, I think he might like it.

We arrived at the door to a small ice cream shack, opening only in the summertime.

"This is where you wanted to take me?" he asked.

"Yeah. I didn't know if you wanted to go or not. I always liked it here."

"Looks nice," he said. We stepped inside. I ordered a cookies 'n cream, and he got a low fat strawberry. We took them to go, and continued to walk.

"How is it?" I asked him.

"It's really good. I haven't had ice cream in a long time."

"I'm glad you like it. It's my favorite place for ice cream. My mother took me there every summer."

"You were really close with her, weren't you?"

"Yes. I don't understand why it had to be her."

He nodded.

"I've never seen your parents," I said. "You said they were always busy. Where are they?"

"I don't know. Here and there. I just wish they would at least call. They probably think I died and that they don't have to worry about me anymore."

"I'm sorry."

Phil's POV

"I'm sorry," he said.

I didn't mind it. There wasn't anything I could or wanted to do about it. "It's fine."

Dan licked his ice cream. "I'll always be there, ok?"

I smiled because I knew it was true. I trusted him. I trusted that he would always be there for me. I loved him. I put a kiss on his cheek. "I know."

Dan came to kiss me back, but when he came close enough, I surprised him by pushing my ice cream into his face, getting it on his nose and chin. I laughed quietly.

"Ok," he said, ice cream dripping from his chin. "Ok, you got me." He tried to wipe his face clean.

"I think pink is a good color for you," I teased, wiping a dab of strawberry from his chin with my finger and tasting it.

We walked back the rehab center, and it was already getting dark. Dan walked me in, and said he had to go. I kissed him, and thanked him for everything again.

As he left, I checked my phone for the time, but instead saw something more important: the date. It was the 12th of June. Tomorrow would mark the year of his mother's death. My body shook with fear, but I breathed, and remembered all he's said. He promised he wouldn't. He loved me. If he did, he wouldn't do it. I tried to relax.

I found his jacket that he let me keep and wore it to bed. I was too nervous to have dinner. Beth asked if everything was alright. I just told her I was tired, and I'd eat something for breakfast. I laid myself down, and wish Dan was beside me, so I would know he'd be safe.

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