The Monster You Created

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I start to stir awake, remembering what happened as I start to smile. I look over to see Mel still sleeping on the other side of the bed.

I sit up, looking around my dimly lit room, it still being night outside. My mind began to wander as I thought back on me and Vi's conversation. She was right to blame me for what happened to Powder. I didn't even care enough to ask around for her. Not until I seen her 'work'.

I get up from my bed, walking towards my desk a bit. I bend down on the floor, moving a floor board as I pull out my Night Watch mask. I stare at it a second, thinking of what this might cause.

I can't keep sitting back and doing nothing. I'm becoming the very thing that the Undercity hates. A politician. Complacent. Not anymore. I don't care if a war breaks out. Sometimes, a little chaos helps with the healing. And this nation needs healing.

I quickly get dressed and head out to my balcony. I stand on the edge, getting ready to work my way down the building when I look over my shoulder, seeing the moon light up Mel's face. I falter for a minute before tearing my eyes away from her.

I hang from the edge of my balcony, grabbing onto windowsills as I made my way to the fire escape. I get to the ground, looking up at where I came from before heading towards the bridge.

I'm coming for you now Silco.


I walk along the rooftops, looking down into the lanes. The usual mugging and fights happening as well as the odd stumbling drunk. I watch as out of the corner of my eye I see someone carrying a barrel by some old train carriage storehouse.

I move closer, making sure my mask is fixed on my face. He knocks on the door in a strange pattern, the door opening slightly as he squeezed in the gap before the door was closed once again.

I jump from the roof onto the side of the warehouse, grabbing onto a drain pipe as I made my way up to the roof. I looked into the skylight, looking down to see a gigantic cauldron of shimmer in the centre of the storehouse. I watch out of the corner of my eye as I seen the guy who brought the barrel in load it onto the back of a train carriage that was already mostly full of other barrels most likely full of shimmer. I know over the years I have take down a few manufacturing labs but this one... it's unlike anything I ever seen.

A loud bang catches my attention as a train carriage plows through the double doors, the breaks screeching as the front of the carriage crashed against the rail. I watched as dozens of enforcers stormed the warehouse, holding their guns up at everyone. I look back towards the carriage, watching as Jayce climbed from inside supporting a large Hextech hammer.


The reunion was cut short when the alarms start blaring, the enforcers starting to get uneasy as they looked around their surroundings. I watched as a dozen shimmer crazed people with some kind of suits on them ran into the room, taking down most of the enforcers with ease. 

I watched as Jayce ran onto the walkway, going towards one when he was flanked from behind. He stops in his tracks, looking between the two of them, not knowing what to do. One of them tries to lunge at him but Vi jumps from the rafters, punching him in the face with some kind of Hextech gauntlets.

I watch as the rest of the shimmer infected surround the two of them. They got into their stances, not backing down. I quickly drop from the skylight, sliding down one of the support beams. I hit one of them from behind, knocking them on their ass as I flick out my hand.

Damn their suits are tuff.

They got up, a blade covered in shimmer releasing from their arm as they start swinging at me. I dodged the blade, grabbing it as I hit it, making it break off. I watch as his other fist comes up, hitting me right in the face, sending me flying. I grab the blade beside me from the floor, using it against them as I stab them under their ribs, watching them fall.

Arcane League of Legends (Gip oc x Mel Medarda)Where stories live. Discover now