Toss the Dirt

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Toss the Dirt: Marker (BFDI) TF/FTM/MC

[Warning: Contains Body Horror, Blood and Gore, Coughing Up Blood/Purple Acrylic, A Car Crash, Vehicular Fire, Environmental Destruction via Digging, Screaming, Crying, Grief, and Spoilers from BFDI(A)/BFB. You have been warned.]

07 October 2019

Mackenzie Arthur, 21, was sitting down in her room, grieving over the loss of her own boyfriend. Yes, Loki was quite a jerk to her and acted very egotistical, but that was him, and now that he was gone, replaced by some waifu object that Trish claims to be a higher lifeform. Mackenzie knew it was wrong to transform people against their wills, but she had this hunch that Trish may not be the one in charge this time, unlike all the other times, someone else was pulling the strings.
Mackenzie knew that she had to get off campus and quick, otherwise, she would fall victim to the same fate as Loki. Knowing Trish, she would probably target everyone she loves if she doesn't skip town or give in to the temptation of watching a video. So, the most viable option here was to skip campus, and, by extension, town. She knew that she had to do it tonight if she wants any chance of successfully escaping this shitshow.
Yes, she was willing to risk herself and everything, because as long as she is still alive, she can rebuild her life from the ground up, learn to love again, and settle someplace else. But if she gets caught and turned over, she would never be able to start her life, she would never be able to do what she wants because she won't remember who she is beforehand; she'd be under the mercy of the transformation's influence, doing nothing or saying nothing that is out of character. She feared becoming a fictional character, and she knew that she had to get out of here to avoid that fate. She began packing a bag, filled with some extra clothes, a laptop to do her schoolwork online, and some necessities. She had tears rolling down her cheeks, with tears dropping onto the desk. She knew that the group has already disbanded with Loki's disappearance (more of a transformation than anything).

Yes, running away sounds cowardly, but isn't it better than becoming a fictional character, especially when Trish told you that the transition means a whole lot of pain? Yes, it was, and by tomorrow, Mackenzie was going to be out of Deerville for a while, at least until the shitshow blows over.
After Mackenzie was done packing and loading things into her car, she knew that she was ready to skip town until this shitshow blows over. She knew that she would be doomed if she didn't think quickly enough. She then closed the trunk and began sitting down, leaving her car turned off because she knows that her car screen could be hacked and could be a transformation trigger, and to make matters even worse, if she was driving, she could end up crashing her vehicle onto a wall or a tree... you get the idea. She decided to open the door to the driver's seat, and she could hear some footsteps happening, before rustling in the bushes, which made Mackenzie immediately close the door, her heart racing. There was no way that she was being followed. She told no one that she was leaving town, so who would know that she would try to leave and escape her fate. Mackenzie, knowing that somebody may drag her out of the car and transform her, turned on the car's engine and footed the gas, making her car move and music began to play. Mackenzie had her hands on her wheels, sweating in fear of what may happen next. It was only a matter of time before the screen went blank, abrupting the music.

"What the hell is this?! Why did the jams went off?" Mackenzie asked before some static came from both the radio and the screen, "You don't see this everyday, uh oh!"

Marker, there is no escape from becoming your true self. Give in, embrace it, welcome it. That voice, Leslie.
"Did you hack into my damn car, I have to hit the brakes! Hit the brakes!" Mackenzie footed the brakes as she tried to slow down and stop the car before she crashes into a wall.

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