Losing Control

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Losing Control: Remote (BFDI) TF/MC

[Warning: Contains Body Horror, Blood and Gore, Coughing Up Blood, Electrocution, Robiticization, Near-Death Experience, Robotization, and Spoilers from BFDI(A)/BFB.]

(Title Idea by zai9450)

31 October 2019

Ringing of her ears, the overwhelming coldness of her body, and herself going in and out of consciousness.

"Reina... please... wake up.." Tamara sobbed.

The ambulance... the paramedics... the hospital... it was almost as if Reina Button, 21, wasn't going to make it.

You know in the movies, when someone is about to die, their entire life flashes in front of their eyes? Well, Reina could witness the events of her life playing out in front of her. Her first time seeing her parents, her entire school life, most of her life in college, helping run SourGrapes2010 with Loki, Emily, Mackenzie and Patrick, this entire shitshow of a semester up to this point, and being sliced diagonally by Pillow, who used to be Patrick. Usually, the whole life flashing before your eyes would only play out once, but for Reina, it was playing out repeatedly, as if somebody has put it on loop.

It didn't stop until the professionals wrapped a bandage around and used an AED to bring Reina back to a conscious state.


"Sir, is she going to be okay?" Robert asked.
"Yes, she is going to be okay, all we need to do is find someone who could donate blood to her before it is too late."
"W-wait?! But can you contact.... my father to see if he is compatible... for that reason?!" Reina weakly asked.
"Yeah... we are already on it, hope that he is alright with being a donor." The medical professional replied.
"Doc, there is no need to do that, her father is already here and has heard of the news." One of the other doctors notified the doctor.

"Reina! Are you okay?! Thank God you're alive!" Reina's father cried, "I thought I would have lost my baby for a second, the doctors have told me that you're lucky that you have survived whatever this pillow creature has done to you!"
"Dad... it was horrifying... my boy...friend... has transformed into... that pillow creature and... we were just... having fun...." Reina sobbed, weakly.
"Is she going to live?! I don't want to lose the last remaining part of my idols..." Tamara sobbed.
"Yes, she is because her father is here. I am willing to do anything to save my daughter!" Reina's father replied.
"Thank you, the SourGrapes2010 crew has been falling apart since the transformations because of who my classmate, Preston, suspects to be Trish and Leslie..." Tamara sighed.
"Well, whoever they are, they have some nerve transforming or even killing my daughter! But I am not going to let anything bad happen to her! As long as I am standing here, Reina won't be transformed or killed by those two brats or whoever they throw at her!" Reina's father was furious, he couldn't believe that somebody would try to hurt his only daughter. It was the only family he had left since Reina's mother had died, "And don't worry, the parents of those who have been worried about the disappearances of your other classmates have spoken to me. However, I haven't heard from Mr. Blueberry yet, heard that asshole didn't even give a shit about Paula, isn't it? Yep, just as you expect from that guy, even claimed that the bakery was his bakery, when it was Mrs. Blueberry's."
"So, the parents are actually concerned?! I thought it affected our friend groups and such." Rodney asked.
"Reina, you are going to be recovering from that wound after I give my blood to you and that wound gets stitched, so, I believe that you'd be online learning as always! Can't lose the only family I have left!" Reina's father told his own daughter.

"Visitation outside of family is over, you should leave." The doctor prompted Rodney, Robert, and Tamara to leave, which all of the three did and said their farewells.
Tamara just got out of the hospital and noticed Belle was right in front of the building, her car parked.
"Tamara. I am disappointed in you. I am going to make you go to bed as soon as you enter this house, so get ready for bed when we arrive at our house!" Belle shouted, keeping quiet because it was late at night.
"I'm just scared of what happened, that pillow creature has killed an innocent man and now he's gone... didn't even know who he was behind that costume..." Tamara sobbed.
"It's going to be alright, you'd get over that image sooner or later. All you need to do is sleep it off." Belle replied.
"Sleep it off?! What about our classmates?! What if your partners were transformed as well?! Would you be pissed at whoever is doing this too?!" Tamara asked, "Too much trauma that I have went through in an entire semester - and three traumatic events such as seeing a corpse, seeing one of my friends' friend getting transformed into an object, and now, one of my idols almost dying because of a damn pillow?!"
"Tamara, watch your mouth! We need to take you to some counseling to tackle your trauma, if we survive this semester that is." Belle replied.
"Sorry if I am using strong language here, but whole semester worth of trauma is really taking a toll on my mental well-being here! I have a hard time sleeping because of all the news about our classmates disappearing." Tamara apologized, "And if that wasn't enough, if the parents are concerned about the disappearances, shouldn't you be too? Are you concerned about me disappearing, getting transformed into a sentient object?!"
"I am concerned that you may one day disappear, but I will only believe it if I witnessed one of those so-called transformations." Belle replied, "So, until then, my stance that transformations only existing on the internet is still the same."
01 November 2019

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