Chapter 2 Christina's tweet

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Sophia's POV


I rummaged through my bag trying to find my keys but they wernt in there "I must have left them in the bathroom at school" I thought. This meant I was going to have to knock for someone to let me in, I really hope it's my brother and not one of my parents because I don't know how they would react to me getting beaten up, it was bad and hard enough just telling them that I get picked on. Luckily my brother Connor opened the door " ugh it's just you" he said with disappointment I'm his voice. "Oh thanks, it's good to see you to con!" I replied. 

I walked straight up the stairs and into my room to be alone. I chucked my bag to the other side of my room before leaning against the wall, slowly sliding down with my head in my hands. My eyes started to fill up with tears until I could hold them back anymore. Why is it me that they do this to? I asked myself, why am I not good enough. I'm this stupid, fat, ugly thing that just gets in the way of everything. Maybe I should give up, there's no hope for me. I sat there crying for about 15 minutes before I got up. I walked into the bathroom and picked up the razor blade. "You deserve this you did this to yourself" ran through my mind. I placed the blade against my arm feeling the sharp, cool edge against my skin, I ran the razor sideways across my arm 3 times. The blood trickled down covering my skin with the red liquid. It felt good at first letting some of the tension inside of me out but I needed more. I did it another 4 times. The sink was completely covered with the warm red fluid, I knew I had to clean it up before anyone saw. I placed to razor back and washed to sink around once more to get rid of any exes blood that may be left. My arm had now stopped bleeding so I gently pulled down the sleeve of my hoodie to cover up the cuts before walking across the landing and into my room.

I layed on my bed regretting what I had just done, I now had to live with these scars on my arm for the rest of my life. I decided to look at Twitter to see if the girls had tweeted but nothing came up. I then decided to tweet about how I was feeling just like I always did.

Sophiax294: why can't I be perfect like everyone else? Why do you always choose me to hurt? I just want to give up :(

I put my earphones in and listened on shuffle again, this time Missing You by All Time Low came on. I placed my phone face down on my chest and closed my eyes just listening to the words. 

I heard that you've been self-medicating in the quiet of your room,

Your sweet suburban tune. 

And if you need a friend,

I'll help you stitch up your wounds.

I heard that you've been, 

Having some trouble finding your place in the world,

I know how much that hurts. 

But if you need a friend,

Then please just say the word.

You've come this far, 

You're all cleaned up,

You've made a mess again.

There's no more *PING*

I looked down at my phone to see a notification on Twitter, I pulled down the menu bar at the top of my phone to see 'Christina Cimorelli has favourited your tweet' that's funny I didn't even tag her in my tweet! I went onto her Twitter page to see if she had tweeted anything and right at the top was a tweet the she had tweet 29 seconds ago, it read 


I wondered if this was aimed at me but then remembered that she has like 350,000 Twitter followers so why would she aim it at me. 

I didn't leave my room for the rest of the evening, I couldn't bear having to put up with all the questions my parents would ask. My eyes started to get heavy so I turned onto my side and shut my eyes, the next thing I knew I was asleep.

Christina's POV


I was laying on my bed because I was sooo tired from the flight, it was so good to be back in London though. I don't really know why but I just love The UK so much it's like I have a connection to it! 

I picked up my phone to see what the Cimfam where up to on Twitter and right at the top of my news feed was someone called Sophia saying 'why can't I be perfect like everyone else? Why do you always choose me to hurt? I just want to give up :(' I favourited it in hope that it might make her feel a little better, she's a nice girl who I have Dm once before, I just don't know her story which I would really like to. Anyway I decided to tweet something, aiming it at her and anyone else who felt like this at the moment. 

Just then there was a knock at our hotel door. I all of a sudden jumped off the bed and raced to the door, causing Dani (who I was sharing a room with) to nearly poop herself!! I opened te door to see mom standing there "hey mom" I said happily before walking back over and laying on the bed again. Mom walked over to me and dani "you girls need to get some sleep as we need to be up earlyish! Don't forget you need to be down in the hotel lobby by 8 am so you can go to dance practice before the meet and greet tomorrow" "we won't" dani replied "okay good night girls see you in the morning!" She said whilst walking to the door and shutting it behind her. Dani got off the bed then faced me and said "Christina you better set you alarm!" "Me... What about you?!?!" I replied  "because I'm royaltie, duh!" She said in a cheeky manor. I just laughted as she walked into the bathroom.

I just layed there on my back thinking about our sister, and no I dont mean Katherine, lisa, amy, Lauren or Dani I mean the one mum had a year after Dani was born. It was when they were going through the problems with the money and didn't think they would be able to afford another baby. I don't like to talk about her though, even though I'm always wondering if she's okay, if she's happy, if she knows about me and all of us, what her name is and where she is? None of us know not even mum or dad anymore, all we know is that her adopted parents moved away from America and we don't know where to. She could be anywhere and we will never know. I don't talk about her to anyone because I don't know if they have forgot about her, but I hope they haven't! Mike should remember her as he's older than me! Katherine should, lisa should, amy might as she was 6, Alex might, Lauren probably won't as she was only 3 and Dani and they younger boys won't as they wernt born and Dani was just over 1. 

I really just want to hold my baby sister or at least know her name or if she's okay! But I guess I never will.


A/N chapter 2  done!! Please tell me what u guys think and please share this with your friends or other Cimfam members or anyone you think would like it. I will try and update at least twice a week maybe more sometimes idk. Let me know what u think should happen next? :) P.S. We are in now way, shape or form promoting self-harm 

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