Chapter 11 Outside the hotel

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Sophia's POV


Me and lily were walking towards the hotel that the girls were staying in, however lily still didn't know where we were going. The walk was awkward and quiet as I was panicking and trying to figure out how to tell her. I was scared at how she would take this news, I can't lose her! Lily finally broke the silence, "So where are u taking me?" She asked looking extremely curious. "You will see, we're nearly there" I replied. We were so close the the hotel when the silence grew again before lily snapped "What the heck is wrong with you at the moment sophia?!?! You seem so distant! You're always late out from school, you seem to never be at home anymore, you've been acting pretty darn suspicious, and now you've been keeping something from me!"

"Lily not here and not now" I said trying to keep my cool.

"Then what have you got to hide?" She asked raising her voice,


"Then tell me what you're not Fricking telling me!"

"I will when I get their! I can't say it now I just need you to come with me, it will all become clear when we get there!" I said.

"Ugghh...fine!" She sighed, trailing behind as we carried on walking.

Just as we reached the front of the hotel 3 girls caught me eye. My body froze, my mind went black and fear took over. "Oh please God no! Please don't let it be them! Not here, not now!" My mind started to fill with thoughts like these. It didn't matter how much I pleaded it was them. Brooke, Jade and Gemma walked over to us, "hey brat!" Brooke sniggered, my eyes trailed to the ground. "You know I missed not seeing you these past few days I need my daily laugh! Where have you been hiding?!?" Her green eyes pierced right through my soul, "I...I...I I" I stuttered. "What's wrong with you?!?! Haven't learnt how to speak yet?!" Jade said bursting into laughter. "Your pathetic! When are you going to learn?" Brooke said grabbing hold of my hair in her clenched first before slapping me around the face. "WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU!" Lily snapped. Gemma grabbed lily covering her mouth with her hand, dragging her back. Jade and Brooke smacked me around until my knees gave way, sending me crashing down onto the floor. That didn't stop them. They proceed to carry on kicking me in the stomach and head. Everything started to go into slow motion and I felt very dizzy, I looked over to see lily screaming and crying just behind me. I curled in half in pain, as they carried on. Just at that moment I heard some girls screaming and running out of the hotel, i couldn't make out what they were saying or really see who they were but it looked like Dani, amy and Lisa screaming at Brooke and the other 2, the 3 girls then ran off. The pain was Unbearable now and I felt extremely sick and dizzy. My eyes started to slowly close as I felt the darkness take over.

Dani's POV


Me and the others waited in the lobby for Soph and her friend lily to show up, I could tell lily meant a lot to Soph as it was killing her keeping this from lily.

The time they were meant to be here past and there was no sign of them. Me and a few of the others tried to call her but their was no answer. We made our way to the front of the lobby to check if they were there but they weren't, I could hear screams and cries coming from out front I pushed past all my sisters and ran to the door to see what it was. To my horror the sight was the worst thing I have ever seen! I froze as many emotions flooded me, "GUYS!" Was all I could scream. They all ran to the door and we Bursted through it. Christina, kath and laur dropped to the floor around sophia whilst me, amy and lisa screamed our heads off at the girls who were beating my little sister up. It wasn't long before 2 of them ran off, shortly followed by the 3rd girl behind as she dropped lily and sprinted after the other girls in fear.

Sophia laid their so lifeless and still, her nose poured out blood and she had a few cuts on the face. Seeing her like this made my heart shatter into a thousand pieces, I dropped to the floor beside her. Christina got out her emergency first aid kit from her bag, she carries so much random stuff in there I don't know how she can find anything! Her and katherine cared for her wounds whilst lisa and amy tried to calm down lily. "Is she okay, does she need medical care?" Lauren asked shaking with her sobs. "I don't know the number for emergencies over here! But I think she will be okay she just passed out she should come back around any minute" Christina said trying to keep everyone calm. Silence fell and all that could be heard was sobs. "Maybe we should take them inside" lisa said. Christina picked Sophia up and carried her in bridal style into the hotel. 


A/N: hey m8's, thanks for 1.3k reads this is amazing!! 💖 I'm sorry this chapter is really short but I'm kind of running out of ideas, so I u have any leave them in a comment and I might use them!! Also I have a question, do u guys prefer longer or short chapters?? Comment your answer. I hope u r enjoying this book so far and please keep voting, reading, sharing and idk whatever else you wanna do! So yea... Peace out homie ✌️

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