Chapter 32 The hard truth

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Lisa's POV


I could see Sophia in the distance walking towards me whilst Lauren, Saffron and Brooke walked in the other direction. As she drew closer I could see she was in pain and had a hand clutching her stomach area.

"Hey what's wrong?" I asked as she was with in 5 foot,

"Nothing, tell mum and dad I'm going home" she replied as she gathered her stuff. I had an idea of what had been happening. I think we all did but we were just all to scared to admit it to her, to each other and even to ourselves.

"I'll drive you" i offered thinking that now might be the right time to talk,

"No, it's fine I will walk" She said as she quickly threw her bag over her shoulder and started walking up to the path.

Once she was out of sight I quickly packed my stuff up and sent a text to my mum saying that me and Soph had gone home and that there was no need to panic. But there was every need to panic, I knew exactly what she was going to do. I've known since the last time but I just didn't want to accept the fact of what she had been doing to her beautiful body.

I ran up to the car park and opened the door and threw my stuff into the back seat. I drove home as quick as I could, hoping I would be back before her and be able to prevent her doing any harm.

I put the car in the garage and unlocked the front door. A sigh of relief escaped my lips as I realised no one was here yet. I ran up the stairs and searched the bathroom for the blade. I finally found it. I wrapped it in tissue before placing it in my pocket and making my way back down stairs and into the living room.

It wasn't long before I heard the door open and a thud followed by cries. My heart broke, I hated the thought of what she was going through. I know that dark place of not feeling worthy and it's awful. I felt the tears well up in my eyes, as I heard footsteps running up the stairs and into the bathroom but no door shut. I followed up the stairs as I heard crashes and sobbing from the bathroom. She was looking for the blades and I knew it, I could feel it in my bones the closer I got to the room. I took out the blades from my pocket and unraveled the tissue. I stood in the door way for a while not knowing what to say and her not noticing I was there. When all of a sudden the words left my lips.

"Looking for these?"

She turned around in shock. Her tear stained face looked directly at me while her jaw dropped.

We stayed that way for a few seconds, both not knowing what to say.

"Why Soph?" I asked as I tried to swallow the lump in my throat and stop the tears from escaping. Her bottom lip quivered before she fell to the floor in floods of tears.

Sophia's POV


"Why Soph?" I didn't have an answer for her. I wish I did but I couldn't. The tears stung my eyes as my knees grew weak.

I fell to the floor and just broke down. I couldn't do it anymore I just needed to get this out of my system. There was a clink as Lisa dropped the blade on the tiled floor and fell, wrapping her arms around me. I could feel her tears trickling down my back, I didn't want to hurt her or cause anyone any pain accept to myself.

We stayed in the same position for about half an hour, not saying a word. We didn't need to talk.

Lisa pulled back once we both calmed down. She helped me up off the bathroom floor and took me into our room. We sat on the bottom bunk before She started to speak.

"I need to see you cuts" she said, I just nodded. I had nothing to hide from her now, she knew what I had been doing and there was no way she was going to go anywhere without making sure they weren't too deep. I unzipped my hoodie and removed it, reviling the old and fresh cuts that ran up both arms.

A tear ran down Lisa's check but was quickly wiped away. "Why? I need to know why. And while you're at it you need to tell me about Brooke and about the day you got beat up an-" She trailed off as a look of realisation came over her face. It was quickly taken over by a saddened one. Her eyes met mine,

"That day... It was Brooke wasn't it?!" She choked on the tears. I didn't know what to say so I said nothing.

"Tell me everything" she managed to spit out the words.

I told her everything from when it all started, to when i first cut, to the day of the beating, to today. It felt good to get it out in the open and off my chest but it also did hurt having to talk about everything. Lisa wiped her tears,

"You realise we're going to have to tell everyone else" she said. I just nodded while wiping away the tears from my cheeks. 


A/N: idk if I really like this chapter, if u guys like it vote it and if it doesn't get that many I will probably come back and edit it a bit later on :/ 

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