Chapter 28 The names Cimorelli

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Lauren's POV


The day was finally here! Sophia seemed to have settled in well and it seemed like the right time for her surprise.

I made my way upstairs to get her, like I was asked. I found her sat on the floor, against the frame of hers and Lisa's bunk writing something down,

"Hey what you up to?" I asked walking in.

"Oh it's nothing, you okay?" She asked,

"Yeah, can you come down stairs for a moment we need you" I replied. She looked confused but agreed to come.

As we walked back down the steps she caught a glimpse of mom and dad sat on the sofa in the living room. I walked her in and she sat on the other sofa,

"What's going on?" I heard her ask as I left the room to go see my other sisters.

Sophia's POV


"What's going on?" I asked completely confused as to what was happening.

"Well you seemed to have settled back in extremely well don't you think?" Dad said looking over towards me,

"Yeah I guess, I mean like you are my family and so this is home and it really does feel like it!" I agreed with a smile.

"That's what we thought and so we were wondering something" mum said looking at me and then dad,

"How would you feel about having your last name changed to Cimorelli?" Dad asked.

"OH MY GOSH! ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?'" I asked jumping up out of my seat.

"Of course we're serious! Your a part of this family! So what do you say?" Mum said standing up.

"Yes of course! I mean if your sure?!" I said hugging them both tightly,

"Of course it is, We would love you to take your birth name!" Dad replied leaving a kiss on the top of my head.

A tear of joy ran down my cheek, I can't believe this is actually happening. I mean like a few months ago I was dreaming about seeing them live and meeting them, and now I'm here in Mom Cimorelli and Dad Cimorelli's arms about to change my name. I couldn't ask for anything more! I couldn't care less about my last name, that I have at the moment, anymore, it means nothing to me and neither do the adoption parents. I think we established that when I made the decision to leave.

I'm going to be a Cimorelli... Let's just take a moment to let that sink in!

**time skip 3 Hours**

I had my ear phones plugged into my ears as we pulled up into a space outside the office where we were going to change my last name. I was so excited! We decided that this was a huge thing, which it was, and that the whole family should be there.

It was quite amusing the look on the guys face when all 14 of us tried to fit in his fairly small office, but we managed with a squeeze!

"So if you sign here Mr Cimorelli" then man said handing him a pen, pointing at where to sign.

"And if you sign here Mrs Cimorelli" he pointed at the dotted line next to dads signature. Mum signed before he turned to me, "and finally if you sign here it just means that you are agreeing to the change" he said talking to me as if I was 6, I looked at Lisa out of the corner of my eye and cocked an eyebrow, was he being serious?! Maybe those glasses of his need to be stronger so he can see that I'm quite clearly not 6!

I signed the papers before sliding it back over to him.

"Okay I just need to file these but you are officially now Miss Sophia Evie Cimorelli." He said standing up and shaking my dads hand before leaving the room.

I was officially a Cimorelli! It feels so weird to say it but I'm legally a Cimorelli! 


A/N: sorry it's taken 2 weeks to update I've been pretty busy 😬 So here's 2 chapters to make up for it :) enjoy!

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